Page 40 of Once Upon an Island

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I think about Declan, about how even though there was no love between us, and barely any like, I’m still feeling the hurt of his sudden departure. It was really unfair of him to come to the island, crash over me like a tidal wave and then retreat just as quickly without any preparation or goodbye.

“I’d forget about him,” I admit. “As quickly as possible, I’d put him from my mind and move on with my life. Have beach cleanups and picnics.”

“And cake and work,” Renee says.

Then I add in my latest theory. “Just think of Percy like a case of the chicken pox. He made you feverish, itchy, blotchy and uncomfortable for a week, and then he disappeared. You may have a few pox scars, but you’re immune to his brand of virus now and you can move on with your life and not fall for that type of love again. So. You’re in the recovery stage. Just drink lots of fluids and take it easy.”

“And don’t call or text him. That’s like trying to inoculate yourself again. It doesn’t work,” Renee adds.

I smile at her. “You like my metaphor?”

She quirks an eyebrow. “It works.”

“What do you think?” I ask Arya.

She wrinkles her forehead and then says, “I think I want some cake.”

Good enough.

We spread a blanket in the shade and I pull out a container of still warm jerk chicken, a tin of fried plantains, mango and chili salad, rum cake, and sweet tamarind and lime juice to drink. Kate and Michael wander over and Kate helps dish up the food and pass plates around.

Michael sits on the blanket next to me and leans back on his forearms. He tilts his head back and closes his eyes to enjoy the sun shining down on his face. The sea breeze ruffles his hair, and when he peeks his eyes open he catches me watching him.

I hold the plate in my hands out to him.

“Lunch,” I say.

The skin around Michael’s eyes crinkle when he smiles. “This looks delicious. You certainly know how to make a chap feel welcome.”

“It’s repayment for helping clean up the beach.”

“Yet I was supposed to be apologizing for the boat incident,” Michael murmurs. He tilts his chin down and looks at me ruefully.

“Maybe next time,” I say with a smile.

His expression warms and he smiles back.

“This chicken is amazing,” Renee says. She tears a chunk from the drumstick she’s holding and pops it into her mouth.

“I just want cake,” Arya says. She nibbles on a plantain.

“Are you planning on staying on the island long? Or are you leaving soon?” Kate asks.

Everyone stops eating and looks at Michael.

I wonder if he knows that Declan and Percy left. Probably. News travels fast on the island, even if you’re only visiting.

Michael sits upright and looks at Kate with a friendly expression. “I find Mariposa to be full of wonderful scenery, wonderful company, and wonderful opportunities. I wouldn’t dream of leaving soon.”

He turns to me and winks.

I give him the “who me?” look and he grins in response. If there’s one thing you can say about Michael, it’s that he doesn’t beat around the bush.

After his announcement everyone goes back to eating. It’s the best afternoon for a beach picnic, the sort of late February day that is temperate and beautiful and perfect for being on the shore.

Suddenly I feel like everything is going to work out.

Michael and I will continue to get to know one another. Percy will contact Arya and apologize for the misunderstanding. Kate will find a way to reunite with her family. Renee will get a promotion.

I lean over and whisper to Arya, “I just had a feeling that within a month, Percy will contact you.”

She leans closer to me. “You think so?”

I give her a confident smile. “Definitely. How could he stay away?”

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