Page 35 of Little Risk of Fall

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“I do,” I said, sitting up. “Fuck. I really do.”

Jasper’s face softened, tears filling his eyes for a moment.

“Don’t cry,” I choked, even though I already was.

Jasper made a face and then reached for me, pulling me into his lap. He held me against his chest and I couldn’t help it— I let out a broken sob.

I’d been trying so hard for so long. I had been trying to be what the world expected, trying to not allow myself to ask for what I wanted.

But, already Jasper had helped me through those things. He was brutal and kind, monstrous and sweet. Everything about him was what I needed and wanted.

“We still have a few days before we have to think about the future,” Jasper said softly. “But I’m so glad I found you, boy. I will always be your Daddy. I will be whatever you need for as long as you need it.”

“I’ll always need you,” I whispered, breathing in his cedar wood scent.

Jasper held me to him, needing me as much as I needed him. I realized that there were moments that he held me, that it was because he needed my touch. Needed my acceptance for him too.

It was hard to walk life alone. It was hard to go so long without feeling loved and needed and accepted. We’d been walking the same path for so long, waiting until they finally crossed.

I didn’t know everything that he had done or had been through. I knew that he helped the Barista with darker things, and that while he presented himself as a cheery orc at times— really, it was a mask. A way to keep the darkness from everyone around him.

He was a shield for others. A shield for me.

“Thank you for loving and protecting me,” I said, sliding my hand up to cup his face.

A tear slid down his cheek and I wiped it away, swallowing hard.

“Thank you for letting me,” he whispered.

With that, he held me until finally carrying me to the bath. We spent an hour soaking, enjoying each other, before curling up for the night to sleep.
