Page 97 of How Much I Want

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Ilove this routine with Sofia that includes early-morning sex, breakfast with Mateo, dropping him at school and doing errands. I keep a watchful eye on the rearview mirror and am always acutely aware of our surroundings. After we drop Mateo at school, I breathe a little easier with one less person to worry about for a few hours.

My dad sent a text saying he checked in with the nurses and Milo had a restful night and is doing well, which is a relief. We can see him later this afternoon.

When we park outside Sofia’s apartment, my anxiety spikes all over again. If they’re watching us, they’ll be looking for my truck, so the fact that we’re still in my car from last night might help, except the shiny black Cadillac stands out like a sore thumb in a parking lot full of regular cars.

After she grabs her mail from a box in the lobby, I usher her up the stairs to her place while I scan the area again. Everything is quiet, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t watching us. Maybe they have to work like normal people and don’t have time to be stalking Joaquín’s ex-wife this morning.

“We should put together a full list of all the people he associates with so I can pass it on to Miguel.” I wish someone had thought of that before my brother was nearly killed. “Is that something you can do?”

“Yes, I’ll do it right now. You want some coffee?”


She puts a pot on to brew and then sits at the kitchen counter with a pad and pen, using her phone contacts to compile a list. “I’m including phone numbers for significant others in some cases, because that’s all I have.”

“Whatever we can give him will be helpful. I suspect the reason he hasn’t asked us for this info is because they already know these guys. But it can’t hurt to give him your list. Include anyone peripheral, too.”

Her brows knit with confusion over the word peripheral.

“People who hang out sometimes, but maybe aren’t part of the main group.”

“Ah, right. Okay. I need to add that new word to my list.”

By the time she finishes, she’s covered three list-size notebook pages with names and phone numbers.

“This is great, babe.” I take photos of it and compose a text to Miguel.

Hey, so Sofia compiled this list of people who associate with Joaquín. We’re at her place now for a short time, but she and her son will be staying with me until we’re sure it’s safe for her to go home. We’re all a bit on edge, as you can imagine.

Miguel replied immediately. Thanks for this. It’ll help. We know this crew, but it’s good to have all the info we can get. We’re keeping an eye on them and have put them on notice that we’re watching and prepared to charge anyone who thinks they can finish what Joaquín and Diego started. How’s your brother?

He’s doing ok. In ICU and facing a long recovery, but we’re thankful he’s still with us and isn’t paralyzed.

Thank God for both those things. I saw the incident report this morning, and the responding officers initially thought he was DOA.

My stomach drops when I see that. Jesus. We got very lucky, and we know it.

Yeah, for sure.

Sofia goes back to work tomorrow night.

We’ll have eyes on the restaurant while she’s there.

How long will that be necessary?

Until we’re sure that no one is going to pick up where they left off. I like to think seeing Joaquín and Diego in serious trouble might put a scare into the rest of them, but it doesn’t always work that way, so we’ll remain vigilant for now.

I’m worried about my extended family. They came for me because I’m with her, and then they shot Milo because they thought he was me, but what if they go after my parents or my sisters, looking to hurt me enough that I leave her? (Which isn’t going to happen.)

I understand the fear. All I can say is we’re watching the ones most likely to be looking for retribution. I’m glad your lady got away from Joaquín Diaz. He’s bad news. Has been for years.

After everything she went thru to break free of him and leave, I hate to see her living in fear for herself, her son, for me and my family.

I hear you, brother, and we’re doing everything we can. Will keep you posted on any developments.

Appreciate it.

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