Page 7 of Surrender

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Sylvia smirks, “That’s what she said.”

“Oh my God. Seriously?” I laugh.

“There’s my girl again. Your laugh could create world peace.”

“You and the compliments today. You’d better watch out. I might get a big head.”

“Might? Well, then I have to try harder.”

I smile before taking a long sip of my coffee. “You did ask for the vanilla, right?”

“You think I’d forget? That’s your thing. I watched him put it in.”

“I think they used a double-leaded blend for this. Wow. I think I’m going to ask for another shot and toss a packet of sugar in there too for good measure.”

“I’m sorry it’s not right.”

“Girl, no worries. I’ll count this walk as working off a couple of calories that don’t count before I put in a couple hundred more that won’t count either. I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be right here watching the hot bartender setting up on the next block.”

“You’re bad and I love you.”

“I know.” She smirks.

I adjust my sunglasses on top of my head, holding my hair slightly back. The sidewalk is narrower now with all the people starting to come out to the streets. I weave my way past a stroller, looking back at the sweet face smiling at me when I bump into the wall. Only the wall isn’t a wall. It’s too soft and it breathes.

The lid on my coffee slides away, the liquid spills over and chills my hand. As I look down, I profusely begin to apologize. “Holy crap. I’m so sorry. Call it shiny baby syndrome. Are you okay?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing, amore.”

I’m sorry. Wait. What?

My chin lifts to the deep, husky accent that is dripping over me like the caramel I just left behind. Before me stands what is assuredly at least six foot three inches of beauty like I’ve never seen. I’ve been around many of what some call the beautiful people. They are, but this, this is something like nothing I’ve ever been close to.

I feel like everything is in slow motion. His inky hair waves over to the side. When the breeze blows through it, the strands move like branches of a feather. He might not have shaved in a day or so, and I’m here for it. His eyes are as blue as the water I swam in off the coast of Jamaica two years ago. The corner of his mouth turns up into the smallest of smiles. His sunglasses mirror mine on top of his head.

My stranger’s hand comes forward to replace the lid on my cup. “Did I hurt you?”

“What? No. I’ll just smell like a walking coffee bean for a while. That’s my fault. I didn’t get any on you, did I?”

“No. You missed. Mine is still intact as well. May I get the door for you?”

“Yes. Thank you. That would be nice.”

His left hand lingers on mine for a few more seconds before he retreats to the door. The nine pane glass and wood door swings open and a burst of coolness from the air conditioning floats over me and I get a shiver up my spine. I turn back over my shoulder after I’ve passed him. His eyes are still watching me. He quickly nods, smiles even wider, then walks down the street.

I see him pass the storefront and I watch his back until I can’t anymore. The baristas are whispering excitedly behind the counter as I walk up. One breaks away to remix my iced coffee before they go back to their chatter. I can pick up from them they were as taken with the handsome stranger’s looks and accent as I was.

After they fix my caffeine, I walk back out into the warmth of the Georgia afternoon. I get that same shiver though. I even turn around and look behind me as I get the feeling I’m being watched. Sylvia has traded places with where I was sitting. She’s now in position to see all the goings-on down the side street from us. I find her staring down that road and she doesn’t even notice I’ve returned until I’m sitting down.

“Sorry that took a while.”

“Holy shit, girl. I saw what took a while. How did you stay standing?”

“What do you mean? He was beautiful and had an accent I couldn’t place. He’s a stranger being polite.”

“Are you kidding? Seriously? For someone who claims to know a little about a lot, you sure missed this one.”
