Page 16 of Bishop

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“I’m exhausted,” Harley says as she has a seat on the couch, sighing deeply.

I plop down next to her, putting my arm around her neck and pulling her in close.It’s been a long day for me too.Seems like most of them have been since we’ve been keeping this secret from everyone.There’s a low-level buzz in my days, worrying about her and this baby that doesn’t even have a gender or name yet.But this is about her, not me.“I am too.How did your mom take it?”

“Good, both of them have taken it really well.I’m taking a picture to send to Grandpa Liam and Grandma Denise.I don’t think I can take telling them.In fact, I figure that’s how we’ll tell everyone else.It’s just too much stress, trying to figure out how to tell them in a way that won’t make them react in a way I don’t want them to.”

“Because you’re afraid you’re going to be a disappointment?”

Our hands intertwine.She rubs her fingers up and down my palm.It’s one of the most comforting gestures.“No, because I don’t want to break down and cry.My grandpa acts like he’s so tough, but he’s a softy when it comes to us.I’m not sure how he’s going to handle it and if he cries...”

“You’ll be done for?”I guess.

Her smile is rueful.“Fucking toast.”

Her stomach growls loudly.“Speaking of.”I laugh.

“I haven’t been able to eat all day.It’s nice to know I’m actually wanting something.”She rubs the still-flat flesh.I can’t wait until she starts to show.

“What is it you want?I can fix it for you.”

“We can do it together.”

“You know there’s nothing I like more than to spend time with you.”

She leans up, kissing me softly.“You’re a lot like my grandpa.You want people to believe you’re so tough.”

“I’m only soft for you.”

She grins, her tongue between her teeth.“Except when you’re hard.”

Biting my lip, I look her up and down.Food forgotten for the moment. “I’ve heard things about pregnant women.Do you think you’d like to find out?”

Her gaze seems interested.“My bra has been feeling quite tight tonight.”

“I’d be more than willing to help you get rid of that problem.Unless, of course, you’re hungry.”

Her eyebrow raises.“I’m hungry for something but, all of a sudden, it’s not food.”

A growl works its way past my throat.Relaxing back against the couch, I plant my feet on the floor and spread my legs wide.“C’mon up here, baby.Let’s see what we can do about that.”

She hitches her leg over my thighs, straddling me comfortably.“You sure about this?I’ve heard men kinda have a hang up, like their dicks are so huge they’re scared it’ll hurt the kid.”

“All I care about is taking care of you.”I dig my fingers through her hair, raking my fingernails against her scalp and bringing her mouth to mine.

“I love you,” she whispers before our lips connect.

While Harley puts up a pretty tough exterior to many, with me she’s as soft and pliable as a piece of marshmallow.My mouth takes hers, owning it as she moans deep in her throat.Her hands tangle in my hair, pulling me closer to her.Ripping our lips apart, she moves her mouth down to my neck, licking against the pulse there.

Our hands are roaming each other’s bodies and we fight against each other, trying to get our shirts off.“Get naked.”I slap the flat of my palm against her ass.

She nods, scrambling off my lap and quickly taking her clothes off while I do the same.When we come back together, it’s in a flurry of touches, kisses, and whispers.Pulling back from her, I move my hands up her stomach, cupping her tits in the palms of my hands.“The nipples are darker,” I comment as I rub my skin against them.

“They’re so fucking sensitive.”She throws her head back, starting to grind against my hard length.

“Are they?”I ask, leaning forward to capture one in my mouth, sucking slightly before using the flat of my tongue on the tightened nub.
