Page 8 of Bishop

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As I drive into the shop, I take notice of everything around me in a way I never have.Today, it all seems like it’s from the set of a movie.The sun shines brighter, the sky is bluer, and, although it’s not summer yet, the flowers are starting to bloom.

Last night, Bishop held me through a thunderstorm.There’s a sense of renewal in the air today.Turning onto Louisville Road, I take it slow and easy instead of hurrying like I normally do.

On a typical day, I disobey speed limits and weave in and out of traffic, trying to avoid any of the local cops as I do so.Not today, though.I allow myself to see and experience everything around me.Enjoying it for what it is and thinking to myself that I really need to remember this day.

I’m still waiting for the doctor’s office to call me back, but somehow I know I’m gonna get the answer I’m looking for today.That could be why I’m enjoying my drive to work more than I usually do.I don’t even get angry when someone in a lifted truck cuts me off.There’s no middle finger above the dashboard, no angry honking of the horn.

For all intents and purposes, I am zen.

Pulling into the shop, I see that Bishop has already arrived.It doesn’t surprise me.He gets up an hour and a half before me to go to the gym and then usually comes into work early.I wish I had his stamina and dedication.

There’s a warmth in my chest as I see him bent over the hood of a Jeep.Since I got the positive pregnancy test, there’s a hitch in my breath and a kick in my gut every time I look at him..I think I’m more in love with him now than I’ve ever been.Even if it turns out I’m not pregnant…

This situation and series of events has deepened my love for him and shown me exactly what I want for the rest of my life.

Turning into my parking space at the shop, I get out and head into the office.No one else is here at this time of the morning, which means my dad isn’t stalking around wondering how he can improve the way we do things or trying to mess up the technology I’ve introduced into the office.These are the mornings I love, when I can settle into my routine and not have to worry about anything else.

Justice and I are the same in that aspect.I start writing the daily reports, looking at the appointments scheduled, and getting my to-do list set up.

After that, I check the messages that have been left since we closed yesterday.Smiling to myself as I see the amount of messages waiting, I know there’s no chance this shop is in danger of closing like so many other small businesses.

Hopefully, this will be my family’s future, just like it is mine.

Time passes quickly as I get busy doing my daily counts and getting the deposit ready to be taken to the bank.I’m not even thinking about anything when the phone rings, just going by muscle memory.

It gives me pause, though, because it’s my cell, not the office phone.Glancing down at the caller ID, it flashes the doctor’s name and my heart stops.

I stare at it for longer than I probably should, scared about what they’re going to tell me, regardless of what it is.

I’ve convinced myself of two things.I’ll be a great mother and I’ll be the worst mother there ever was.

Reaching over, I pick it up and slide my thumb along the bottom before putting it up to my ear.“Hello.”The voice that just came out of my mouth doesn’t even sound like me.

“Hi, I’m calling for Harley Walker.”

“This is her,” I answer.

“Hi, this is Tammy from Women’s Health,” she continues.I can hear the smile in her voice.“Can you please verify your date of birth for me?”

I rattle off my date of birth.

“Okay, I have some test results for you.Would you like for me to tell you over the phone or would you like to set up an appointment to come in?”

I blow a breath, tapping my nails on the desk.“Tell me now,” I almost shout, not able to wait any longer.

“Okay, Harley,” she answers.“It looks like you had a pregnancy test done with us and I’m pleased to tell you that you are indeed pregnant.”

I’m speechless.Completely and utterly speechless.

Behind my eyelids, fireworks go off and I sway in my chair.

“Are you sure?”I ask, needing to verify.

“Yeah, honey.”She giggles.“I’m sure.Judging by your paperwork here, it looks like you’re about six weeks.So, let’s go ahead and get your first appointment set up and I’ll call you in a prescription for prenatal vitamins.”
