Page 38 of The Wife Win

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Much to my disappointment, Harper does just the opposite. She scoots in her seat, placing her feet on the ground and crosses her arms over her chest as if to signal the end of the conversation.

But then she surprises me. From this angle, I can only see her expression from the side of her face, but I note a hint of a smile as the corner of her lips tip up.

“I’m not here to stroke your ego, big man. You know you’re attractive.”

I nudge her foot with mine, leaning slightly to the side to whisper quietly in her ear. “And you, Harper Conrad, are cute when you’re stubborn. Which is why it would not be a burden to me if you’d say yes to being my fake date tomorrow night.”

She reclines the seat back and closes her eyes. “I’ll think about it.”

* * *

While Harper napsthe remainder of the flight, I push through a pile of work that requires my attention, reviewing a few more details and stats of the players I plan on watching this weekend. One of them is Xander Williams, a top prospect and forward from Wake Forest.

The more I read about his performance and the skills he’s developed during his college career, the more I think he’d be a great fit within our team. Strong athleticism, good teamwork, and a national scholar, as well. That’s a stellar combo.

Hoping to chat with Coach Green about Xander, I glance across the aisle to where he sits, but notice he’s sleeping with the bill of his cap pulled down to cover his eyes. I envy his ability to snooze on a plane. That’s one trick I’ve never learned.

Twisting my neck to look over my shoulder, I see Noah a few rows behind me with his laptop open.

I quietly move out of the row and walk back toward Noah, who looks up from his screen and gives me a smile.

“Hey, Marek.”

I take the open seat in front of Noah that faces him. This jet was purchased and designed specifically for our team, with plenty of large rows and seats to provide comfortable traveling for our players. Noah, having also been a former player himself, is tall with a long pair of legs that are stretched out in front of him. He politely pulls them back and I sit down.

“What are your thoughts on Xander Williams?”

Noah’s brow creases and he taps the keys of his laptop, presumably pulling up the scouting data on Williams.

“He’s good. In my estimation a solid shooter and pivotal forward.” His eyes scan the screen, widening appreciatively. “That buzzer beater shot against Virginia at the end of the regular season was phenomenal.”

I nod, recalling the basket he made with the shot clock hitting zero, the ball leaving his fingers with a turnaround fake and jumper to score the necessary points to win the game.

“Do you have him on the schedule or do we need to add him?”

The schedule is fluid and meant to give us some one-on-one time with the players we most want to meet with during and after the events each day over the course of the Combine.

Reaching for the folder sitting on the seat next to him, Noah riffles through the papers inside and pulls out the schedule. “Yep, we have him scheduled at the end of the round one day tomorrow. You want me to see about moving him up?”

I think about this for a second but find no reason we need to rearrange things. I shake my head.

“Nah, we’ll keep him in that slot. I’ll just need to leave by six to get ready for the dinner event.”

Although he’s not scheduled to attend, Noah knows the event I’m referring to and grins broadly.

“That should make it interesting. We’ll make sure Xander knows we’re pressed for time and that might make him sweat a little more.” Noah gives an evil laugh, steepling his fingers together maniacally.

“You’re a mean son-of-a-bitch,” I tease, knowing he’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and a great scout. Noah knows when to put the pressure on and when to step back to gain the interest of those we’re hoping to draft. “But I like your style. Keeps them on their toes.”

He raises an eyebrow and nods toward the row I exited, where Harper is still snoozing in her seat.

“Speaking of keeping them on their toes…how’s it going with the interviews? I met with Harper earlier this week, and she knows her stuff. I was impressed.”

I glance behind me and look in her direction, seeing only the top of her dark head of hair from this angle.

“Harper’s an underdog if I’ve ever seen one and has really proven to be a great asset. I think this segment she’s producing will give us a good pre-season boost once it airs.”

Noah goes quiet for a moment, his expression changing. “I hope it reflects well on not only the team, but your leadership, too. You know, considering all the recent publicity to the contrary.”
