Page 77 of Chance Taken

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Two Months Later


The warm summer night is wrapped like a cozy soft blanket around us, alive with the scent of smoke from torches, the sweet smell of roses and the tangy one of the thick ancient redwoods all around us, and the melodic sounds of the song Harper is singing.

Her face is lit up in a copper glow from the torch closest to her, making her seem like a magical forest nymph. Her voice and her music have the power to channel emotions right into your heart, which adds much to the illusion.

She’s singing of love and loss, of things breaking, but working out and of life going on. Of joy and sadness rolled into one to create the perfect harmony that is life. That is love.

It’s amplifying what is already there in my heart, as I lean against Chance’s shoulder. We’re sitting in the soft grass, our hands locked together as tightly as our hearts.

This concert is taking place in the garden surrounding the huge mansion that Chance’s MC calls home. Everyone’s here. Cross and his wife Roxie, as well as their son Hunter, the one who was hurt and Trixie tried to avenge. He’s better now, almost healed they all say, and he’s a kindhearted, warm guy, but there’s a deep sadness in his eyes, even when he’s laughing.

Harper’s parents are here too, her beautiful mother holding tight onto the arm of her horribly scarred husband as she sways gently to the music. I know the story of how they met now, and I’m ashamed to have thought he was forcing her to be with him. I’m ashamed of a lot of things.

But all that shame is starting to fade.

I’ve met every member of Chance’s family now—both his real family and his extended, MC family. They’ve all welcomed me with open arms and open hearts because they all care deeply for Chance, and because they share a connection that’s so real and pure, so strong and unyielding, that it can withstand anything and come out stronger on the other side.

I feel privileged to be a part of it.

Most of them are here tonight, scattered across the grass, leaning against the tall redwoods or standing under the canopy, mesmerized by Harper’s voice.

Ariel is here too, sitting next to Chance and me, sipping a very pink drink that Ruin mixed for her, as she moves to the notes of Harper’s song. Ruin and she are together now. Or trying to be. She’s come a long way from the scared girl afraid to leave the house on her own, but she’s not quite all the way there yet. She’ll make it. I know she will.

The song ends and wild applause erupts, drowning out the last echoes of Harper’s voice, yet somehow sealing it in my chest in all its striking, magical beauty too.

This was Harper’s last song of her last performance here she tells us once the clapping dies down. She’s leaving tomorrow, taking her songs on the road.

“I wish she didn’t have to go,” Ariel says.

“She has to go,” Chance answers. “Everything that’s happened hit her hard. She needs the time alone.”

“Yeah, I can understand that, I guess,” Ariel says and leans against Ruin’s shoulder. “But I’ll miss her.”

She and Harper have struck up quite a friendship in the last couple of weeks, once Ariel got over being totally star-struck by her.

I hug Chance even tighter and kiss his cheek softly.

“Oh, you want to start something, do you?” he asks as he grins at me.

“Maybe,” I say. “But mostly I just wanted you to know that I love you, and to tell you I’m having the perfect time tonight. I love spending time with your family.”

He grins, his eyes sparkling with the light of the torches.

“Yeah, I love you too, Veronica.”

When he looks at me like this all the rest of the world fades into the background and time stands still just for us. For our next kiss. Our next hug. Our next move.

Our forever.

* * *

