Page 117 of Faith's Redemption

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“Let’s do it.”

When all us McMasters women gathered at the door that led to the outdoor chapel, Olivia in front with a basket of daisies, I hugged my sisters against my sides. Grace on the right, holding Jax as he sucked his thumb against her shoulder, and Hope on my left.

The things we’d all survived to get here were unbelievable, yet here we were. Adam and I could have gotten together years ago, but it wasn’t our time. The old letters I gave him for a wedding gift symbolized that. Our time was now, as it was meant to be.

The only twinge in my heart, was that—in spite of who he really was—my dad wasn’t here. To walk me down the aisle and give me away to the man of my dreams.

But it was okay, it really was. The two people who mattered most to me in the whole world were there to do it, flanking my sides, both ready to give me to Adam and fight to the death if anyone got in the way.

A sole violin started to play, and I blew out a nervous breath. “I love y’all,” I whispered. “So much.”

Olivia turned around. “Is it time?” she whispered loudly, making me laugh.

“Yes, baby,” I said. “Lead the way.”

When we rounded that corner, my breath caught in my chest as my eyes locked on the only man I’d ever loved. The man who would literally go to hell and back for me, and I’d do the same for him.

His green eyes lit up with sudden tears and I saw him blink fast to keep it together. I’d always loved watching the groom’s reaction at weddings. When everyone else focused on the bride, I watched the groom.

And now that groom was mine. Looking at me with more love than one person deserved.

“I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.” I mouthed the words from Song of Solomon that he’d inked on me in the beautiful tattoo he’d created. I’d seen it for the first time that morning and been overcome at his heart on my flesh.

And it was perfect. It was me. It was us.

In our perfect imperfection.

He saw me mouth his words back to him and smiled, making a quick swipe at his eyes.

“Get me up there, girls,” I whispered. “I need to marry that man.”

Thank you for reading!
