Page 18 of Faith's Redemption

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“Chief Beckett.”

“Hey.” I spun back to watch her. “It’s Adam Bishop.”

He paused a moment as if surprised to be hearing from me. “Adam. Where are you?”

“Aren’t you tracking my ankle monitor right about now?”

“That’s for your parole officer to handle, not me. Not yet.” His voice was low, and his chair squeaked as he must have sat back. “Should I be expecting that call?”

I watched as Faith moved to salvage what she could in the bathroom. “I’m in North Carolina.”


“I came to get Faith.”


“You knew she was here.” It wasn’t a question.

Mateo paused. “She called Grace last night.”

“And you know about her place being ransacked?”

“I do. Same as I know your fingerprints are all over the scene.”

My head snapped up. Motherfucker. “I didn’t do that shit, Beckett. I think we both know that. I went there to look for her. That’s how I knew where she went.”

“And why would you do that? Break your parole, go back to prison, just to bring Faith home?”

“To protect her.”

There was another pause, and his chair squeaked again. “Protect her from what?”

“I’m ready.” Her curt voice brought me up short. I nodded at her and held up a finger to let her know I’d only be a minute.

“From the guys who vandalized her home,” I said to Chief Beckett. “The ones who just did the same thing to her fucking hotel room.” I waited a second to let that sink in. “The same fuckers who attacked her.”

“What?” he roared.

“Yeah, it’s all connected,” I said, watching Faith’s expression process all that. I picked up her suitcase and motioned her toward the door.

“Adam!” Chief Beckett yelled into my ear.

“I’ll let you know when we’re close. We’ll meet and I’ll explain everything.” I met Faith’s eyes. “I don’t care about going back to prison, Mateo, but you have to keep her safe. Promise me.”

His breath filled the line for one long moment. “Of course. You have my word.”

I ended the call and we moved outside to the cars. I loaded her things into the Bel Air. “I’ll follow you to drop off the car, then we’ll head out.”

“Adam,” she said, her voice tight.

I turned back. “Yeah?”

“Why are you doing this?”

Her fingers flexed, and her pallor wasn’t great. I knew all of this had to be a lot to process on top of the physical pain.

I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter.”
