Page 47 of Pure Love

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Dahlia handed the sienna dress and a lighter orange one to the attendant, who said she’d set up their dressing rooms. “The team is doing a round of interviews and seasonal photos with the lucky puck, nothing out of the ordinary.”

She’d buy that calendar, especially if they put Mikah in the center. They’d probably have him do his fierce competitive expression. That would be hot. But his unexpected grin was her favorite because Mikah wasn’t an easy smiler. It felt like a victory when Mikah shared his smile with her.

Piper was growing mushy over the memory of his smiles. She needed a date. She moved down to the red dresses. There, cranberry silk, a flirty flare from waist to mid-thigh, gorgeous. She held up the hanger.

Dahlia nodded rapidly. “That one.”

Piper started toward the dressing room. “Where would I fit in at a photoshoot?” She could arrange catering or look up historical hockey calendars for layout inspiration.

Dahlia wrinkled her nose and disappeared behind the pink door holding her dresses, but Piper could still hear her. “The dance team will be on site for their own photos. Super fun. I support them. I’d love to see the whole photoshoot, but it’s booked for a day when I’ll be in Dallas looking at wedding dresses with Mom.” There was a pause, and Piper wished she could see Dahlia’s face. “But my mind will be at ease if you’re on site. You’d simply offer another set of sensible eyes to the process.”

Piper wasn’t tracking. Did Dahlia not trust Dodo with the dance team? If that was the case, she needed to drop him, or start therapy, or at least plan a super long engagement. “I don’t know.” She slipped off her clothes and tried on the dress.

“It pays a thousand.”

She couldn’t really grasp what she was hired to do. Plus, she’d see Mikah posing with all the women looking photo ready, while she’d be an errand girl avoiding Willow. “I don’t know.” Piper centered her body in front of the mirror. Wow, gorgeous. The fabric clung in a flattering drape around her bust, and the cranberry made her skin glow. This was the one. She checked the tag. Fourteen hundred dollars.

“Please? For me?” Dahlia’s voice had a note she wouldn’t have been able to resist, even if she weren’t wearing a cocktail dress that cost the same as a month’s rent.

Ugh. “Okay.”

* * *

The photoshoot was held in a large warehouse. One end had the camera equipment and a green screen. The other had long tables for journalists. All in all, there were enough workers milling about to keep Willow out of her way. And today gave Piper a chance to return Mrs. Czerski’s sweater. Would Mikah think she was using the sweater as an excuse to talk to him? Concern wiggled through her. Was she doing that? Nah. If she wanted his attention, she would have dressed up.

She wore a team t-shirt and jeans. Cute but casual, and she wouldn’t go up to him. He’d have to find her. She sat on a bench against the wall near the interviews. If anything embarrassing was said, she’d be on hand to report back to Dahlia, and could work to get it cut from the record. That would earn her paycheck. She put her backpack underneath the bench and got settled.

The team captain went first. Piper pretended to be checking out her phone screen, but she hit record for Calista.

A male reporter asked, “How much does the gear weigh?”

“Twenty-five pounds for most of the guys. Goaltender’s twice that.” The captain had an easy manner and came off with a sincere firmness. He was handsome enough but didn’t have Mikah’s sexy edge or model good looks. What about him appealed to Calista? Dang, she should have brought her today. Calista would be so happy sitting here. She wouldn’t even open her laptop.

The reporters asked Captain Ronan a handful of other questions, but nothing in depth, just soundbite softballs. Piper got the whole recording though. She hit stop, labeled the video private, and forwarded the file to Calista.

Liam went next. He smiled readily. Three different reporters asked questions at the same time. Liam looked at each person, twisting his head left and right like he was on alert for an incoming puck. His fair skin flushed. “Sorry, what?”

The female reporter jumped in first. “Who are you dating?”

Ouch. Liam had been dating a Canadian named Bianca who had moved on. How was he going to phrase that? She should go get him like he had to be somewhere.

Grown man. Let him fly unless he fumbled.

Liam mumbled, “Single.” He half rose.

The next question came out from the same reporter. “What kind of woman are you looking for?”

Piper winced for him again. How was Bianca going to feel when she saw this on the news? Liam had no right answer. If he said he was looking for someone like his ex, Bianca would think he wanted her back. If he said he was looking for someone unlike his ex, that was fairly insulting. Dating in the public eye was weird. Plus, there was nothing substantiative in the reporter’s poking. Like what was his college major? What would he do after ice hockey? Did he have any advice for the youngsters coming behind him? As a Canadian, was he melting in the Texas heat?

“How’s it going?” Mikah stood to her right.

Piper held in a shiver. He had such a sexy voice. And it was good to see him. Just because she could return his mom’s cashmere sweater. Not because he was…Her heart thumped, and her mind couldn’t wrap a definition around him.

She’d originally planned to keep the top, but with Mikah clearly stating his bachelorhood, keeping a girlfriend-like present felt like a lie.

“I don’t care for the puff direction they’re going.” Piper wrapped her arms around her knees. “It’s intrusive. Right? To have to answer personal questions about your love life for the nation. What does sex have to do with ice hockey?”

“First thing we learn, you don’t have to answer the question asked.”
