Page 85 of Pure Love

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“I’ve been thinking about the Vegas trip lately.” Dahlia picked up the pace. “Things didn’t go as well as I’d hoped.”

True, worst matchmaking event ever, but she couldn’t say that. Dahlia had dreams of pairing her sorority sisters with the players and having a big, intermarried community. “Your idea was fun, but boys, bars, models…the combo was a perfect storm that night. Any other time, love matches would have been made.”

“Right?” Dahlia chugged from her water bottle. “Glad you agree. We should definitely try again. My sorority sisters, my fiancé’s players, perfect matches.”


“My engagement party can be where they meet.”

“Sounds great.” A chill flitted over her. Maybe some of those girls didn’t mind being a weekend fling. How was she going to handle seeing Mikah with another? She breathed slower. Not well. Piper rubbed her arms.

“This party will be for the team and my single pure friends. I hope the guys act right.” Dahlia shook her head. “Their behavior in Vegas was not good. Though I really feel like some shaping up has to have occurred after the preggers notification.”

Er, Piper had seen the men much worse behaved than in Vegas. So had Dahlia, for that matter. Arguably, their friend Vivien had been the worst behaved of the lot with her hacking the app and sending out unflattering dick pics. Truth be told, bad behavior had flourished all around. Could Piper really control the guys? Did she want to? She had hated leaving the positive pregnancy test in the conference room.

That had eaten at her since she taped it up. Luckily, the guys didn’t realize she’d left the urine stick on the wall. Whose had it been?

Freaking stick was tormenting her as much as it would the guys.

* * *

Piper sat at her sister’s vanity waiting, as Calista changed from her favorite ice hockey jersey into a peach cocktail dress. “I don’t know if the captain will be there. But I’ll make sure you meet him if he is.”

“He’s the captain; he has to go.” Calista put on a pair of stilettoes, grimaced, and kicked them off. “If not, what’s the point?”

“The point is your cousin’s engagement party.”

Calista flushed. “Of course.” She stepped from one bare foot to the other.


“Dodo’s not good enough for her.” Calista stared hard at the shoes.

“True. But that’s Dahlia’s decision to make.” Piper smoothed the skirt of her own crystal-blue dress. “We support our home team.”

“Okay.” Calista went back to her closet. “But in flats.”

* * *

Piper and Calista headed to the dock. Luckily, the yacht would stay moored on Lake Travis in case the guys screwed up and had to be tossed back to their cars.

“Wait up.” Liam waved them down from his SUV. He wore a dark suit and his brown hair had been recently cut.

Piper slowed. “Hey, Liam.”

“Goaltender.” Calista rattled off his stats up to the point when he reached them. Then she went quiet.

“You two look pretty.”

“Thank you, sir.” Piper gave him a Renaissance fair-worthy curtsey.

Liam grinned. “I’ve been thinking about the reverse catfishing.”

“Thinking’s not doing.” That was one of Dad’s favorite phrases.

Calista snickered.

Liam rubbed his eyebrow. “There are a lot of factors involved.”
