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I was more than a little giddy when I stepped back—not far, since there wasn’t much space in the bathroom. The whole situation was starting to feel like some kind of hazy dream, maybe because my lack of sleep was catching up with me. Had my long-time crush-slash-stepbrother really showed up in the middle of the night all battered and bruised, or was this some weird fantasy that I’d wake up from any moment now?

There didn’t seem to be any other cuts on him. The pale line of his liver transplant scar veered across his abdomen by the perfect V at the low-slung waist of his jeans, and I pulled my gaze away from it.

I’d never known Logan as anything but healthy, and he didn’t like the reminders of his childhood illness. Even when he’d been living here, he’d kept the medication he still needed to take in his bedroom and gotten terse with his dad if he ever mentioned it.

“All finished,” I said, a little breathless. Logan was still tensed, his chest heaving more than I’d have expected, as if he wasn’t done coming down from the fight—or was preparing for another one.

“Good,” he said brusquely. “Let me finish washing up, and I’ll get out of your hair.”

He turned toward the small bathtub without another word, starting the water flowing from the showerhead. As he ducked just his head in to rinse off his own hair, another surge of frustration bubbled up inside me.

“And then you’ll disappear for another year like we don’t even exist?”

“What are you talking about?” Logan muttered, swiping the hand towel over his head and then sticking his shirt under the spray so streaks of blood coiled through the water spiraling down the drain. “I just saw my dad a few weeks ago.”

“Right,” I said. “You saw your dad for a coffee or something. You haven’t come backheresince you moved out. We were kind of family for a little while, in case you don’t remember. Actually, you obviously do, or you wouldn’t have thought you could just drop in and use our bathroom.”

“I was halfway through high school when Dad and your mom got married. It was a little late to start picking up new family members. Shouldn’t you be getting to bed?”

The words hit me like a slap. Which was probably why I spat out the last thing I’d have wanted to admit to him if I’d been thinking straight. “Did it ever occur to you that maybeI’vemissedyou, you jerk?”

The complaint might not have been totally fair—or maybe it was way too accurate. The fact was that I’d been missing the Logan I’d fallen for back in junior high since way before he’d moved out. From the moment he’d started distancing himself from me, leaving rooms as I entered them, not meeting my eyes during those random encounters passing in the hall…

He looked back at me now with a jerk of his head as if the question had startled him. His mouth twisted. “Maddie…”

Before he could figure out what he was going to say, I noticed the bandage I’d done my best to fix to the curve of his shoulder was coming detached. With a curse under my breath, I leapt forward to stick it back down. But Logan’s efforts with the shower had left the tiled floor slick from errant spray. My socked feet slipped, and I careened over the edge of the bathtub.

The shower water splattered my hair and tank top. Logan caught me an instant before I banged into the opposite wall and yanked me upright. He spun me away from the tub, glaring down at me—and then something else flickered in his expression.

I was abruptly aware of how the wet tank top clung to my skin, particularly the curves of my breasts. I wasn’t wearing a bra. My nipples stood out against the drenched fabric, and I’d swear they tingled to sharper attention as Logan’s gaze raked over them.

His hands tightened where he was gripping my upper arms. He closed his eyes, and a tremor passed through his body. “I’m trying to do the right thing here.”

I didn’t know what he was talking about. It was hard to focus on anything except his touch and the way my body was screaming for him to press even closer. I couldn’t stop myself from resting my hand on his chest. My voice tumbled out of me with an unusually husky quality. “So am I.”

“Fuck,” Logan rasped, and the next thing I knew, he was tugging up my chin so his mouth could slam into mine.

The kiss was hot and feral, and it short-circuited my brain. I didn’t know how to do anything except kiss him back with all I had in me. His chest grazed mine, sending sparks through my nipples.

Logan groaned at the contact, the sound reverberating into me, and some part of me decided that this was definitely a dream. But it was a fucking fantastic one, so I’d better milk it for all it was worth.

More sparks leapt across my skin everywhere Logan touched. He swept his hands down my sides to my thighs, pausing to massage my ass while his tongue invaded my mouth with searing passion. Then he hefted me onto the edge of the sink without breaking the kiss.

My legs splayed around his hips. He was all over me, his mouth branding mine, his chest scorching, an undeniable bulge behind the fly of his jeans rubbing against my core.

A heady shudder raced through me, and my pussy clenched even as it soaked my panties. I groped at Logan, trying to somehow pull him even closer. My teeth nicked his lip, but he just kissed me harder with another groan.

His hands came up to yank up my damp top, with a strangled sound of approval as he cupped my bare breasts. I gasped against his lips at the jolt of bliss he summoned with one swivel of his palms. Clutching at his neck, I barely remembered to be careful of the bandaged spot. My back arched, pressing my pussy against his groin, and Logan’s breath stuttered.

In one smooth movement, he yanked my lounge pants and panties down together without displacing me from the sink. His hand dipped between my legs and found the slickness pooled there.

“Oh, God,” he muttered.

A whimper spilled out of me at the contact.God was right, because I was definitely in some kind of heaven.

I fumbled with the door of the medicine cabinet over the toilet and managed to wrench it open to grab the box of condoms stashed there. I made a point of never thinking about why exactly our parents would want to have protection available on every level of the house.

Logan snatched the box from me without a word and retrieved a packet even as he unzipped his jeans with his other hand. His mouth crashed down on mine. His lips and tongue continued their savagely divine assault as he prepared himself.
