Page 21 of Say It With Flowers

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The lights and candles on the glass-wrapped deck are romantic and evocative as Neal gazes at me across the table. The rank of candles flicker, dancing to the soft breeze. Light music floats on the air.

Christ, he’s gone to town.

“You like my pad?” he asks, cocking his head.

“Who wouldn’t?” Nervously, I fiddle with a fork. Running my fake nail between the grooves. I’m confused by the amount of silverware on the table. How can there be so many sizes of forks and spoons? I have no idea what the various uses are, so I’ll have to watch Neal for cues.

Things are tense between us. To his credit, Neal has attempted to carry the conversation, although I’ve been less than inclined to be chatty. Not surprising, really. I’m being led on,played. I might know about it, but he’s still stringing me along, all innocence and light. I wonder when he’s going to dump the shit and come clean?

He may be exceptionally handsome and charming, and I can’t stop myself stealing goggle-eyed glances at every opportunity, but I won’t forgive him for the subterfuge.

He pours a little more drink into my glass. I stop him pouring too much. I’m not used to alcohol and don’t want to get drunk and weaken my resolve.

I sip at the Champagne, and it’s the best I’ve ever tasted. Actually, it’s the only Champers I’ve tasted. Not that I’m letting on.

Mim feeds us an array of king prawn, lobster, and decadent buttery rolls before we start on the main. I try to resist enjoying it too much, but in the end, I cave and stuff my face. Every delicious morsel placed in front of me goes down.

I’m full to the brim with amazing food, the bottle of champagne is nearly empty, Mim has long departed, and Neal and I are chatting about sweet nothings like old friends. I’m getting more and more comfortable here. I’ll be lying on the sofa with my feet on his lap soon.

Why am I telling him my life story?

He now knows I’m twenty three, my zodiac sign is Gemini. He also knows about my mom and my brother. Dammit, I can’t stop myself talking! Why tell him all this stuff when he still hasn’t told me a single thing about himself and the lying cheat he is?

I have no edge over him.

You’re so not playing the game, Neal.

I scowl. Playtime is officially over.

“Enjoying yourself?” he asks as I take the last sip of my drink.

“The location is stunning, the food is amazing. Mimi cooks like a five-star pro, which I know she is. But am I enjoying the evening—sadly, not so much.” I snipe, glaring.

Neal appraises me quietly, soaking in my words. “Tell me straight, why don’t you?” he murmurs, stroking his chin and pursing his lips. “I guess I was wrong in thinking this might impress you.”

Time to play my ace.

“Impress me enough to sell my shop?” I retort. “Hardly.”

He heaves a deep, long sigh and folds his arms on the table. “You know about that?”

“You think the other guys didn’t talk about it?”

“They weren’t supposed to discuss it at all. Now listen, Dani. You already know that your business is struggling. So was everyone else on that street. You may not like that I’m buying them out, but my prices are very fair. There is nothing personal or underhand about this. It’s just business.”

“But your business is wrecking mine!”

“Come on. You’ve barely got started. I can pay you double what you spent to buy your shop. It’s an easy cop-out for you. You’ll make more money for your next venture, and I’ll have what I want.”

“And what is it you want?” It hadn’t occurred to me until that moment that I didn’t know what he wanted to do with all the shops. “Why buy all these shops?”

“A leisure mall,” he explains. “A mall will congregate shoppers and increase the prosperity of Bridgeton, create jobs, and raise real estate values overall. The area badly needs a boost, and a quality shopping center will provide it.”

He smiles at me, waiting for me to smile back. I can tell he thinks that now I’m aware of his idea, I’ll see the sense and reason behind it. Unfortunately for him, I don’t.

“So you want to cover the street with concrete, glass and marble?” I whisper, my disdain barely concealed. “That is so like you! The local people love their shops as they are, and you want to take that away and give them another faceless mall. As if there aren’t enough of those in the city!”
