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Chapter One

Brit was sitting and reading a book while pondering her place in the universe when her sister called.

“Uh, Brit, I have a problem.”

Brit sat up and focused. “What do you need?”

“There are three alphas here, and they won’t leave me alone. I don’t want three.” Ylara was sniffling.

“Are you safe?”

“Yeah. For a bit. You’ll come?”

“Be there in five. But if there are three, you might want to get someone else to help. It won’t be as obvious.”

“I will. Can you dress nicely for the wedding?”

“Send me a picture of what you are wearing. I will try to match it.”

The image formed on her com, and she nodded. “Got it.”

She ran to her closet, grabbed a dress that was close, and she went to her private stash. She would catch seventeen types of hell for this, but Ylara never called for help.

She dug her tracker out of her foot, bound the wound, and got her stash of high-powered active blood samples. She opened a high-speed flier sample, licked it, and put the vials back in her bandolier.

It took a lot of effort to copy an active’s power this way, but Ylara sounded scared. If three alphas were circling, she had a right to be. Brit had five minutes with the active ability, and she wrapped her dress and some shoes up carefully and took off. It wouldn’t do to lose the power over the bay before she reached Daycross.

The night was lovely. The ocean was playful but not wild, and she landed outside the Daycross manor, deep in the woods. She gathered her hair up into a cascade, put the bandolier with blood samples away, and got into her party outfit. She stashed everything into a tree and smoothed her hands down her skirts. Declining the invitation to the wedding had hurt her, but if she had known she would come anyway, she would have dug the tracker out and put on her dancing shoes. She was pretty sure that Etgar could help her find a job.

Her training at the BDC had been halted when the peacekeepers raided the practice date she had been on. All that hard work and she was now a liability.

The three alphas were easy to spot. Tall, as most actives were, they radiated quiet power and tenuous control. The guy with the scorpion tail made her blink, the Anubis-headed male seemed familiar, and the green Hyrenean male had his arms crossed.

She walked calmly past them, continued on, and found Ylara inside the closet where she was hiding. Brit stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Ylara hugged her and sobbed. “Thank you for coming. Is it going to get you in trouble?”

“Doesn’t matter. Oh, shit. You are in heat. No wonder they are looking for you.” Brit looked at Ylara’s blown pupils and dewy skin.

“I don’t want to have all three of them, but that is all they wanted.”

“Don’t worry. I can distract at least one of them. Did you call someone else?”

“Sabine was at the party. She’s on her way. It takes her a while. How will you lead them off?”

Brit grinned. “Spit into this vial.”

Ylara chuckled and spit into the vial. “We could have used blood.”

“Blood lasts too long. I just want to distract them, not mate with them. I can probably get the Anubis to follow me.”

“His name is Denier. He’s a reaper.”

“Right. Well, no time to waste.” She slammed back the spit as Sabine joined them.

They discussed what was to be done, and then, Brit made a run for it. She ran down a hall near the spot where they had been clustered, and then, she made a break for the woods. She heard a dog baying behind her and doubled her efforts to get to her hidden stash of active talent samples in the woods.

Running in heels was part of the escort training, but as she had never finished the training, she hadn’t embraced it as part of herself. She could do it, but she didn’t like it.

Brit felt a change in the air pressure behind her and sped up. There was a grunting chuckle, and an arm snapped around her waist, prompting a shriek. She was lifted off her feet, and he clutched her against his chest as he turned to stop their progress by thudding into a tree.
