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Chapter Eight

Litha had fun shopping with Brit. Her charge was delightfully straightforward. The driver remained with the vehicle, and the assistant came into the shop with them. He had fabric-shopped with Vallu, so he was a seasoned professional.

Litha helped Brit pick out a sewing machine and table. She could feel folks surrounding the shop and had the fabric folded up, grinning, and then waiting while Brit checked out. Bobbins, needles, and thread were in the first pile.

Litha slipped outside, and she took stock of the men surrounding the building. She slipped back in and made sure that Brit wasn’t carrying anything.

“Why aren’t I helping?”

“Because I need you mobile. We will wait in here until the car is loaded and then casually leave like we have all the time in the world.”

“They are here?”

“They are, and I have just confirmed with Vallu that no other guards have been sent, so I am free to destroy all comers.”

“You are an assassin?” Brit scowled.

“No, I am a bodyguard licensed to operate in several countries. I am also a researcher, escort, and ex-ballerina.” She grinned. “Oh, and a thermal weapon.”

“Yeah, don’t forget that bit.” Brit giggled.

Litha smiled, and they watched the last parcel being taken out. “Right. Let’s go. You have the pack I gave you?”

Brit nodded. “It will work?”

“If they get you and I have to come after you, it will work.” Litha smiled.

Brit nodded. “Being hunted isn’t new.”

“I know, sweet, but we aren’t just working with you here.”

“Denier would be pissed.”

Litha sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “You aren’t getting it. You are transporting a life form.”

Brit stumbled and blinked. “How can you tell?”

“I am very good at breaking heat signatures apart.” Litha put a hand behind her. “You have two. The main one and the tiny spark.”


Litha tapped a finger low on her belly. “A tiny spark.”

“Oh, shit.” Brit’s eyes went wide.

“So, our next stop is a place that specializes in quilting fabrics. Vallu can show you all you need to know about baby blankets.”

“I already know how to sew a blanket.”

“Well, then, concentrate on the basic tasks.”

Litha confirmed that the driver and assistant were the same men they had arrived with, and then, she turned to face the rush coming toward them. She stepped away from Brit and extended her arms, left and right.

“Stop, or you die.” She let her voice carry, but Brit was in the car with the door closed.

The men shouted threats, and one offered to let her live if she handed Brit over. There was a flash, and she dusted her hands before she got into the car next to her charge with three piles of ash left in front of the fabric store.

“We are good. The others are hanging back. Time for that quilt fabric shop.”
