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“A sewing machine and table, thread, fabric for my nest, and when we got back, I took a nap, and she sewed up all my nest materials for me.” Brit shivered and smiled. “I never knew how relaxed it could make me until I was in it.”

“That is the point of it. It is central to the house, with no exterior walls, dimly lit, and filled with your preferred textures. I only come in if you invite me. It is your space alone.”

Brit frowned. “Vallu doesn’t have one, and she is an omega.”

“She doesn’t need one.”

Brit worked it out. “Oh, because Etgar is silky and furry.”

“Right. My hide is smoother, so you don’t get the same response from touching me.”

“That’s true. I definitely don’t get sleepy and relaxed when I touch you.”

He bared his fangs in a grin, and the back of her neck tingled. Things certainly got all wired funny when an alpha was in the room.

They finished, and Denier did the dishes.

Litha came in while the dishes were being washed, and she retreated upstairs.

Brit sprinted up the stairs after her and grabbed one of the tests. She used it, and then, she waited. The strip told her that sex during heat was as potent as folks had mentioned to her, but it had to be experienced to be believed.

She capped the test and washed her hands. She held the plastic at her side between her fingers and casually asked. “So, do you get paternity leave or anything?”

He was putting dishes away. “Why?”

“You might want to look into it because unless this test Litha brought is faulty, it is one of the things you will need to know.”

He paused and turned toward her, his dark hide and wrap tunic nearly the same colour. His eyes were blazing red as he looked at her. “So, one of our breedings made a new life?”

“I guess so. That’s what the stick says.” She lifted the stick and pointed at the first blue stripe and the second. “Control, and getting enormous.”

He slowly finished putting the dishes away, and he walked around the island to take a look at the stick. He was looking at it seriously. “Yes, that’s a positive.”

“Do they teach you that in reaper school?”

He looked at her, and his eyes got brighter. “No, but the Sethir-Nin have all kinds of classes on caring for an omega, including that the first quickening might cause him or her to get a little nervous. Whether or not they admit it.”

He wrapped her in his arms and hugged her. She paused, and then, she started shaking. He murmured to her and held her. He just hugged her while she shivered like a small animal. Brit felt stupid for having her silent freakout.

His hands smoothed over her back. “Well, even the reapers give a pregnant mate priority. We can send Litha away in the morning.”

Brit frowned. “Can we keep her? She’s a lot of fun, and she cooks without being asked.”

“We will ask her in the morning, after breakfast.”

She looked up at him, and he laughed. “I like a hot breakfast, too, Brit.”

She snickered. “We will ask her if she wants to move in?”

“That will be interesting, but it is entirely up to her. She knows what she needs to be comfortable. We might not be able to give it to her.” He stroked her hair from her cheek.

Brit looked at him and then rested her head on his chest and hugged him. “I don’t want her to be lonely.”

“She’s already lonely, sweet, but we can offer for her to be less alone.”

She chuckled. “Deal. Wanna see my nest?”

He lifted her in his arms. “I would love to see your nest.”

She giggled as he carried her upstairs, then helped her off with her dress. When she curled up in the silky, soft bedding, he peeled off his clothing and joined her. He spent most of the night giving her tiny licks from head to toe. He was very excited about the baby, and by the time he was knotted inside her, she was, too.

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