Page 145 of You're the One

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Chapter 33

Rory and Jack’s wedding took place on a sunny afternoon two weeks after Luna had moved into Nash’s house. The guests all stood or sat as Rory had wanted. Casual had been the theme of the day.

Nash got two champagne flutes and then went to find his girl. They’d spent a month in Chicago sorting her apartment and business. And he’d enjoyed it because he’d known it had an end date. They’d then fought all the way home about her putting money into the house to get it finished. He’d refused. But he had allowed her to have her own barn built. It would be two-stories and house her office and everything else she needed.

He saw her standing to the right of the long red carpet the bride would soon walk down, talking to Ford and Maggie. Her dress was the color of new leaves. The hem settled a few inches above her knees, and two straps over her shoulders held it in place. Her hair was loose and a mass of curls she’d spent ages doing. He admired her lovely legs, then reached her side.

“Here you go.”

She took the champagne with a smile. Happy, he thought. She was happy here with their friends. Happy with him. He still couldn’t quite get his head around that. She loved him and told him all the time.

“Do you want something like this?” he asked her. Because his hand was on her back, he felt her tense.



“I—ah. I didn’t think you’d want to marry.”

“Why? I’m a traditional kind of guy. You’re my girl whom I love. Why wouldn’t I want to marry you. Now, let’s try that again. What do you think of Rory and Jack’s idea of a wedding?”

“I love it.” She turned to face him. “So when you’re ready to ask me, and I say yes, we can plan something just like this. But seeing as we haven’t been together long, I think we should wait a bit.”

“In case I tire of you?” he teased her. “But don’t forget we have two illegitimate animals now. Monica and M.D. need stability.”

“I think they can handle it,” she muttered. “And you do know the town is not happy that you settled onM.D.for Monica’s duck, don’t you?”

“They’ll survive.”

“Ooh, here comes Rory.”

Her hand slipped into his, and he closed his fingers around it. Tomorrow, they’d take over the florist, and the following weeks would be full of shed and house building. But right now, he just wanted to stand here with the girl he loved and watch a friend marry.

He kissed Luna’s cheek and watched her smile.

Rory was stunning in a bright pink short dress and black ankle boots. Her hair was in corkscrew curls, and a tiara sat on top. Pip wore black, as did Bailey. The Trainer boys wore jeans and button-down black shirts. Jack had on a pink bow tie.

“It’s the most beautiful wedding I’ve been to,” Luna whispered as they began to speak their vows.

“It is.”

He wrapped his arm around his girl and held her close, happy in the knowledge that he had her and she him, and nothing else mattered.
