Page 20 of You're the One

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“Ted’s good at making things look aesthetically pleasing,” Jack said, getting out.

“Go you with the big words,” Rory said.

“I’ve never been here,” Ford said.

“You’re in for a treat.” Rory took her man’s hand and started up the steps into the Lodge. “I’m inviting you to our wedding too,” she threw over her shoulder. “You’re both handsome; the photos will look better with you in them,” Rory said.

“You can’t invite us,” Nash protested. “You’ve met Ford once and me a handful of times.”

“Sure, I can. Ford belongs to Maggs, and you”—she turned to point at Nash—“live here.”

“These people are weird,” Nash said to his brother as he followed. “You have to stand your ground with this town, or they roll over the top of you.”

“And the problem with them being friendly is?” Ford asked as they walked through the door and into the reception area. With big windows and stylish décor, it was like the rest of the place.

“I don’t want to be the next Ryker Falls favorite son.”

Ford laughed so hard he started coughing. “L-Like you’d be anyone’s favorite.” Ford hooted with laughter again.

Nash didn’t take offence. He knew what he was, and he didn’t much care.

“I mean Buzz, Joe Trainer’s dog, has the key to this entire town. People carry his dog biscuits around in their pockets. He’s furry, sweet, and intuitive,” Rory said. “You’d need to work a lot harder if you want to usurp him, Nash.”

Ford stopped snorting long enough to say, “Not happening.”

“Who invites strangers to their wedding,” Nash muttered as they followed Jack and Rory.

“Nice people. People who want to be your friend. You should let them,” Ford said before he entered the bar.

This room was just an extension of outside, with stone hearths and wood paneling. Part of the roof was glass, which would be cool in winter because you could watch the snow fall. Outside were big decks with views that were breathtaking.

“Wow,” Ford said, turning 360 degrees on his heels. “This place is amazing.”

Nash grunted his agreement.

“My brothers are actually together in Ryker Falls,” Maggs said when they reached her. “My heart is full.”

“We just spent two hours with you crammed in a tea shop,” Nash said, patting her head.

Ford kissed her cheek. “Rory just invited Nash and me to her wedding.”

“Yeah! Awesome. It’s low-key, and they’re having the ceremony at the stables, then the after thing will be at the main house. We could all go in on a gift, if you like.”

“Maggs, I don’t even know these people,” Nash said, frustrated.

“They know you and me, and now Ford. They’re inclusive people. You’re part of me, so you’re now part of them.”

He looked at his sister. Happiness oozed out of her. It was there in her pretty smile and the way she shot looks at her man, who stood a few feet away talking to some Trainers. He was happy for her; if anyone deserved it after what she’d been through, it was Maggie.

“He wants to be a hermit,” Ford said. “I’m going to the bar to get drinks.”

“You can’t be a hermit with a sister like me and family like you have. You chose to live in this place and time; you have to accept the consequences.”

“In this time?” Nash asked.

“It’s not the Wild West where you ride the range all day, brother.”

“It kinda is,” Nash said, looking around. It surprised him how many faces he knew.
