Page 22 of You're the One

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Chapter 7

“Good morning, Miss McKinley.”

“Just Luna,” she said, reaching the Lodge reception the following morning. “Can you tell me which the best direction is to take for a run around here, Lenny?” She looked at his name badge.

“You can head up the mountain, or if you take the path to the rear of the Lodge, there’s a flatter trail through the trees and over the grounds. Or, if you want a coffee after, take the road into town.”

“Great, thanks. See you later.”

Lenny raised a hand as she headed out the door. It was early, just after six a.m., and dawn was breaking. Light coming in long fingers, creeping slowly over the ground.

Luna touched her watch to record her exercise, and then took the path to the rear of the Lodge and started running. This was her time of the day. In Chicago she ran early; there were others about, but she had her earbuds in and music playing, so she was left alone. It was rare someone stopped her for a picture.

After the call with her sister last night, she’d sent more money through and booked her flight for six weeks to the UK. Her family was a hot mess, and that was pretty much down to their father. But she wouldn’t think about that now, here. She would enjoy the peace.

Not that her head was at peace. Hugo had said she’d put the wrong numbers on the orders to go to the stores she’d chosen to distribute her face oil. Luna remembered inputting those orders. She was sure they’d been right.

“Nothing you can do now.” She pushed the thoughts aside and vowed to be more careful going forward. Clearly something was off with her; Luna didn’t think it was anything big. But she’d have that checkup when she returned to Chicago.

She liked this place. Ryker Falls was a friendly town with a big heart. The mountains were spectacular, and the scenery wherever you looked. While the locals had wanted to talk to her, none had been pushy or asked for anything. She’d enjoyed last night. Even if GHG had been there.

Their eyes had met occasionally when they’d left the tea shop and gone to the Lodge, but neither had talked to the other, and that suited Luna fine. He’d insulted her, and she didn’t forgive people who did that easily. He was unpleasant, arrogant, and way too sexy.

“Well now, this is a surprise.”

“Oh, hey there, Mr. Goldhirsh, Miss Sarah,” Luna said, looking over her shoulder.

Both in running clothes, they looked fit and healthy and exactly like Luna wanted to be when she was their age. She was passionate about staying fit and had made a living from that.

“I put my new face oil on this morning,” Miss Sarah said, sprinting past Luna with Mr. Goldhirsh on her heels. “I feel younger already.”

“Pick up the pace then, girl,” Mr. Goldhirsh said. “No need to dawdle.”

Luna had run track before she was a model. She’d been pretty good at it too, and thought she was in decent shape. Apparently not; she watched the older couple put some distance between them as she started running with them.

“You go on,” she called.

“Running is more fun together. Move it, Luna!” Mr. Goldhirsh said.

Luna was mortified when they slowed their pace for her to catch up.

“Don’t slow up for me; I was just warming up.” Apparently, she hadn’t lost her competitive streak.

They ran, and her shirt soon clung to her, face dripping with sweat. They climbed small inclines and ran along narrow tracks. Luna loved every minute—or she would when she could haul in a deep breath.

A shriek up ahead had her looking up. Miss Sarah was falling sideways and down the bank.

Mr. Goldhirsh was down there in seconds with Luna on his heels.

“I’m all right,” Miss Sarah said, pushing herself into a sitting position. She tried to stand but moaned in pain.

“Where is the pain?” Mr. Goldhirsh said, undoing his fanny pack.

“Ankle,” she wheezed. “Bother! I won’t be able to go dancing tonight with the bridge group.”

“But imagine the sympathy you’ll get,” Luna said, moving to her other side.

Mr. Goldhirsh pulled out a silver blanket and wrapped it around Miss Sarah’s shoulders.
