Page 32 of You're the One

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Chapter 9

“That went well,” Luke said.

“You deserved that,” Piper added, appearing with a mop. “I’d have done it if she hadn’t. You were rude to her, Nash.” She threw a towel at him. “Apologize and stop behaving like a shithead.”

Nash mopped his face and battled the need to follow Luna and apologize.

“Not sure what your issue is with my friend,” Charlotte said, moving from her mother to stand before him. “But you better not come at her again, or you’ll answer to me,” she muttered, jabbing him hard in the chest with a finger. She then stomped out behind her friend.

“May as well eat your food,” Luke said. “Then you can find Luna and say sorry after.”

Not happening.

“I had you down as a drummer, but classical guitar is cool too.”

“Shut up,” he said as Luke laughed.

He wanted to leave, but the food was there, and if he walked out now, he may see Luna again. He sat and picked up his coffee. They ate in silence until both plates were cleaned. Mr. Goldhirsh and Jess had left after hugging Luke and giving Nash an icy nod, which doubled his shame.

What was the matter with him? He was usually grumpy, sure, but he was never nasty.

“So what was that about?” Luke asked.

“Nothing. I’m out. See you round.” Nash put some money on the counter and started to leave.

His parents had raised him right, and he knew how to love those closest to him and respect the few people he called friends, so why had he just insulted someone? Even if he didn’t like what she did, and found her sexy as hell, that was no reason for what he’d done.

“Aww hell,” he muttered, stepping onto the sidewalk.

“Is it because she’s stunning, rich, and apparently nice that you don’t like her?” Luke fell in beside him.

Shewasstunning, and he could lie to himself all he liked, but that woman got to him.

“Is there any way I can get you to leave me alone?” Nash snarled.

“Morning, Mrs. Taft.” Luke raised a hand. “Lovely day.”

“Morning, Luke. Morning, Nash.” Mrs. Taft smiled, and Nash managed to nod.

“Not all wealthy, rich, hot women are nasty people, Nash.”

“And you know this how?”

“Back at you.”

They both stopped to watch Mayor Gripper steady a ladder for an elderly woman to climb. In her hand was another banner.

“Is he for real letting her do that?” Nash changed direction.

“Morning, Nash, Luke,” Mayor Gripper said when they reached him. “Nancy is helping me with the banner, as I’ve hurt my back.”

“She shouldn’t be doing that,” Nash snapped. “You should have asked someone else.”

“Nancy and her husband, Bob, are very active,” Mayor Gripper said.

Nash heard Luke make a choking noise from behind him.

“She shouldn’t be up that ladder. What’s with you people stringing banners up all over the place anyway?”

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