Page 50 of You're the One

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“It was one small piece and only because I’m at the opening of a new chocolate shop in Ryker Falls. Besides, since when is it wrong to eat chocolate. Everything is okay in moderation. I don’t want to be the person to say it isn’t. People are going to take pictures of me, Hugo, end of story.”

“You promote healthy living along with other things, Luna. Eating chocolate is not a good look!”

“No one can eat only good food, Hugo, as I believe I’ve told you before. I like to eat chocolate occasionally.”

“Since when?”

“Since I’ve been feeling like my life is in a fishbowl and I need change.”Where had that come from?The words had surprised even her.

“Change into what?”

“Not into. A life change.”

His laugh was a bark. “Don’t be ridiculous. Now, who is there taking photos of you?”

“It’s not ridiculous, and when I get back, we’re talking about this. I love what I do, but some aspects I dislike intensely.” Coming to Ryker Falls had made Luna see that. Yes, everyone seemed to know everyone else’s business here, but it didn’t feel threatening.

“And what? Suddenly you’re just realizing this? I’m coming down there. Clearly, you’ve drunk something that has affected your personality.”

Luna sighed. Hugo could be extremely dramatic.

“Who took the photo, Luna?”

“There are people everywhere. How would I know who took that picture?” Luna sighed.

“If these pictures continue, you will damage your reputation,” Hugo said.

“Don’t overreact, Hugo. They’ll make me appear more real. I’ve always had issue with everyone thinking me perfect. I’m not, far from it. Maybe it’s time I showed people that it’s okay to be real and have weaknesses.”

“Are you mad?” Hugo demanded.

“Maybe, and maybe I’m just tired of it all.”

“Look, all I’m saying is be careful who sees you doing things that will damage your brand. Some of the comments are mean, and I don’t want you running into anyone alone.”

Luna pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’m fine. They’re just keyboard warriors, and we’ve had worse.”

“We have, and likely will again. Now, clearly you’re exhausted, and I can admit that the last year has been ridiculously busy and your schedule ruthless. I think the things you’re doing are directly attributed to that. So, take a break down there, and eat chocolate if you must!”

“I have to go, Hugo. Speak soon.” Dropping her cell phone back in her bag, she walked up the street. “I eat chocolate and cake,” she muttered. She just limited her intake. When had her eating anything with sugar become detrimental to her brand? Clearly, she hadn’t been paying attention.

Looking around, she wondered who took those pictures. It had to be someone in Olivia’s camp, seeing as it was posted all over the place on her pages. She remembered then, the girls who’d been watching her.


Nash stood before her, big, menacing, and all male in faded jeans and T-shirt. The logo in the right corner of his chest said SRR.

“No. You should go in; the chocolates are good.” Luna raised a hand and walked by him, continuing up the street, letting thoughts come and go. Fingers wrapped around her wrist seconds later, and she was propelled sideways into a narrow opening between buildings.

“Nash, what are you doing?”

He kept walking, taking her with him until they reached the end; only then did he stop and press her back into the wall.

“You,” he whispered against her mouth, “are becoming a problem.”

The kiss was hard, and when the shock subsided, pleasure took over. Neither of them could seem to get close enough to the other. Teeth clashed, tongues tangled, and her body was soon humming with need.

“This,” he said against her neck, “has to stop.”
