Page 65 of You're the One

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Chapter 16

Nash followed Luna a few minutes later after he’d spoken with Chief Blake and filled in the pieces she’d left out. Walking out into the sun, he looked for her, but she’d disappeared, which was probably a good thing. The woman was occupying far too many of his thoughts.

Why did he constantly feel the need to insult or annoy her?

He’d been rude to her again. He could have worded things better, but sugarcoating anything had never been his thing. Clearly she hadn’t liked his advice.

Her hair was loose today, and sort of tangled. Like she hadn’t brushed it or had but not much. Which probably came down to the fact she had stiches in her head.

Nash looked up at the sky.Why is my life so complicated now she’s in town?

The thought of her hurt twisted his stomach in knots.

When he’d walked into the police station and seen her, he’d got that predictable jab in his gut. She didn’t dress to tempt a man, but he thought she could wear a sack and be rolled in the dirt and still look hot. Today’s shorts and T-shirt were casual and anything but on her. The woman set him on fire anytime she was in sight.

His stomach rumbled, telling him he needed to feed it as he walked down the street.


A group of people, most who had gray hair, ran toward him. They wore matching shirts, and as they drew closer, he noted the words Ryker Roadies on the front. He fought the urge to sprint the other way.

“I need a description of Monica’s duck so I can get the name right,” the lady who’d called him said.

“Now, Pearl, don’t you go hassling that lovely boy,” Miss Sarah said.

Pearl wore shorts over long pink stretched tights. Around her ankles were fluffy pink socks. On her head she wore a pink cap with the words “hot stuff” on the front. His eyes actually hurt looking at her the color was so bright.

“I just want a description, Nash. I want that voucher to A.S. for dinner.”

“I thought it was for Tea Total,” he said before he could stop himself.

“Joe threw in a meal voucher too,” Pearl said.

I’m killing that SOB.

“I still like El Quacky,” someone else said.

“Can you believe Bob wanted Quackzilla? Like Monica would ever fall for that,” another person said.

“She’s pretty liberal,” Nash found himself saying, because when everything around you turned to madness, it was best to participate. “And her duck is green, white, and brown.”

“Now that changes things,” Pearl said as she started running again.

Remarkably like ducks, the rest followed. Mr. Goldhirsh, he noted, was waiting for them at the end of the street.

“I wonder if the weird is catching,” Nash muttered as he walked on. He stepped to the side as Goth Girl from the florist sprinted by him.

“Luna’s watching the shop. I need change!”

He wasn’t sure why he needed to know that but by now he just rolled with it. Ducking into the chocolate place, he ordered two coffees and two pastries. He probably owed her another apology for swearing at her. If he got her coffee and food, he wouldn’t need to say the actual words.

Plus, he got to see her again.

“Morning, Nash.”

He searched his memory for the chocolate dude’s name, sure someone had told him.

“Albert.” He nodded.
