Page 96 of You're the One

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Chapter 22

“What we are here in Ryker Falls is good people,” Joe said, and Luna could honestly say she’d never heard him use that tone. He had a thick drawl now. “We don’t like trouble and protect those that belong here.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Simon was losing his cool. “Luna is a celebrity; she’s fair game.”

“No one is ‘fair game,’” Luke said slowly. “What she is, is a lovely lady who deserves respect. Just because she’s a celebrity doesn’t change that.”

“I think I’m in love,” Hugo whispered, looking at the Trainer brothers.

“They’re pretty awesome,” Luna agreed. Only Hugo and Charlie had stood up for her like this before now.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Piper arrived, and Simon dropped the scowl and straightened to his full height, smiling at her.

“Just explaining to Spooner here how things work in Ryker,” Luke said. “He seems to think because we have celebrities among us, they’re fair game for him and his paparazzi pals.”

Piper moved in front of Luna. She wore cutoffs and a tank top that fit her perfectly.

“Oh, hell no,” she said. “You’re that limp dick who got Doug the Douchebag to send him those photos of Luna for money. My advice is you stay away from the Robbins sisters if you want to walk straight for the rest of your life. And you don’t get to come here and start hassling our people. There’s the road out; I suggest you take it.”

Luna nudged Joe, who moved a few steps so she could see Simon’s face. It was red with rage.

“See ya,” Piper said, flicking her fingers at him.

Simon shot Luna a look, then got in his car and drove away.

“He won’t leave,” she said. “He’s been following me for years. I think he’s connected to Olivia some way, but I’ve never been able to prove it.”

“Plus, he tried to force himself on you,” Hugo added.

“He didn’t get far because I kneed him in the groin,” she said before anyone else could speak.

“Well now,” Joe said, watching Simon’s car leave. “That changes things.”

“Joe, you all need to leave this alone,” Luna said.

“I’m in love with all of you,” Hugo said, holding out his hand to Piper. He then hugged all the Trainers. “It’s wonderful to see someone protecting my girl here. Usually it’s just me.”

“Can’t abide arrogant shitheads,” Piper said. “They make me feel like I have something permanently stuck in my teeth.”

“I don’t want you involved in this,” Luna said. “It just fuels his fire. Hugo and I can handle it, and I don’t want your businesses suffering because of me and bad press.”

“We have broad shoulders and look after people we like.” Joe shrugged. “See you round, Luna. We were just going to catch up with Ted and then head to the courts. See you there.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek, and Luke did the same before walking off, leaving her with Piper.

“Nice to meet you, Hugo.”

“Like I said, I love these people.” Hugo sighed.

Luna felt the tears again. She’d wanted to cry more here than she had in her entire life.They looked after people they liked.Her.

“I have a favor to ask you,” Piper said.

“Sure,” Luna said.

“I need an extra on our team today. One of the girls is sick. It’s kind of a tournament. We’re playing two games so we need plenty of subs.”


“Oh, right, basketball. We have a women’s team now.

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