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I test the range of motion in my ankle but quickly decide it’s not a great idea when just the slightest movement hurts, and the tape that’s still strapped in place pulls tight.

Not long after Sebastian left me in this room, he returned with an older man. The man proceeded to poke and prod my ankle before deciding he didn’t think it was broken and was most likely a bad sprain. Although, he adamantly suggested I go to the hospital to be certain and check for any torn ligaments. No way was that going to happen, but he didn’t need to know that.

He then strapped it up and prescribed an ice pack and a promise that I’d keep off it as much as possible. All the while, Sebastian watched from the edge of the room with an unwavering stare, his arms crossed over his chest.

My panic calms slightly as I remember where I am.

Hair clings to my face from a mix of sweat and tears, and I push it away while eyeing the door. I quietly move in that direction, trying to keep as much weight as possible off my injured ankle as I limp forward.

I reach out for the door handle with a trembling hand.Going back to bed seems like a much better option right now. Taking a deep breath, I let it out and push down on the handle, cracking the door open just a smidge.

I peek through the small gap into the dark hall. The penthouse is silent, save for the beating of my heart, which seems all too loud. I let out a relieved sigh when I don’t see anyone lurking in the darkness, but I still feel on edge. I’m about to close the door, not willing to venture out of the room when it’s nudged from the other side. My eyes fly down the slightly larger gap, and I stumble back, half hopping on my good leg until I fall back on the bed.

The door pushes open wider, and the large silhouette comes fully into view.What did Sebastian call him?



Especially as his jet-black fur blends almost seamlessly into the night.

Shadow slowly comes into the room, and I push myself up the bed until my back hits the headrest, and I can’t go any further. I grasp the only thing within reach, ready to use it as a weapon if it comes to that.

My fingers tighten around the soft material of the pillow to the point of pain, but as the huge dog comes closer still, I start to second-guess my choice, frantically looking around for an escape, but the only other door leads to the bathroom. Maybe if I could make it there and lock myself inside, surely Sebastian would find me in the morning.

That thought lasts about half a second.

There’s no way I’d make it there fast enough.

Shadow reaches the end of the bed, and I hold the pillow out like it would do anything but momentarily deter him from gnawing on my flesh. I expect him to jump on the bed, or at the very least growl. Instead, he just rests his head on the end of the mattress.

We stay frozen like that for a couple of minutes. Me holding onto the useless pillow for dear life, Shadow simply watching me. I can’t see his eyes, but I suspect he can see mine. I can’t imagine what I look like. Wide frantic eyes, hands shaking, hair a mess, and half stuck to my face. I don’t doubt he can hear my heart pounding, and I’m not really sure how much more it can take.

Eventually, Shadow huffs through his nose, and after a lingering moment, he lifts his head and turns around. Instead of leaving, he sits at the end of the bed and watches the door.

Almost like he’sstanding guard.

Not wanting to risk drawing his attention again, I don’t move, but when he doesn’t move, I slowly lower the pillow into my lap. I doubt I got more than a couple of hours of sleep, which isn’t unusual as I don’t get much sleep at night anyway, but after yesterday and now the nightmare, I feel even more fatigued.

My ankle throbs and I know I should really put some ice on it, but I’m still rattled from everything. I don’t really want to search the unfamiliar penthouse, nor do I want to try to get past Shadow. Although, despite my fear of him, I can’t help but feel a sense of security with him between the door and me.

He might be blocking my escape, but it’s possible he’s also keeping everyone else out. Perhaps I judged him too quickly.

I place the pillow from my lap under my foot to try to get some relief. Straightening the sheets, I grab the covers that had been kicked aside and pull them up to my chin, letting the warmth soak through me. My gaze lingers on Shadow, but it slowly drifts to the ceiling after a while. The events of the past day, God, the past few months, are catching up to me, and my mind races, especially with Sebastian’s order I stay here until he finds the man responsible for his parents’ death.

It was only supposed to be a few days—however long it takes to make a passport.

But now, everything has changed.

Surely Sebastian wouldn’t make me face him, Ian Ross. Although given the circumstances, there’s no telling what he’ll do. It’s unlikely the man would know who I am, I’ve never met him, but I’m not willing to take the chance.

I need this arrangement to work out. It’s my last chance, and I have nowhere else to go.

Nearly seven years’ worth of torment crushes my chest. The only sliver of light keeping me from suffocating is the hope for a better future.

My fingers itch for my journal and the escape it brings. To write away the tightness encasing my heart.

I haven’t given in to the urge since the night I escaped, but I can feel myself slipping.

Exhaustion weighs down on me, making my eyes heavy, and with my thoughts spinning of the past and future, I fall into a restless sleep.
