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Chapter Twenty-Nine


The lift chimes while I’m standing in the kitchen, having just put some bread in the toaster.

My muscles still tense every time it happens, expecting the worst. Expectinghim.But so far, what Mason said holds true. No one gets up without explicit approval from Sebastian.

Ducking my head around the corner, I spot Lauren stepping out of the lift into the foyer, a coffee tray in her hands.

“Good morning,” she says, her voice chipper for a Monday morning.

“Good morning.”

“You look nice.” She winks at me before walking into the kitchen and placing the coffee tray on the island bench.

My cheeks heat, and I run my hand over the light grey material. It’s tight like most of her clothes and reaches my ankles, but it’s made from a stretchy material, so it’s actually really comfortable.

I may have taken a couple of things from the bag she gave me. But tomorrow, I’ll ask Mason if he can donate the rest for me.

“Here,” she says, holding out a takeaway coffee cup to me.

“Thank you.” I take a sip of the hot liquid and grimace at the bitter taste, but there’s also a hint of sweetness.

“You don’t like coffee?” Lauren’s mouth drops open. “God, I couldn’t function without my vanilla latte.”

“It’s okay.” I force another sip down. To be honest, I’ve never really cared for coffee.

“Uh-huh,” Lauren murmurs.

The hint of sweetness I’d tasted must be the vanilla.

My toast pops, and I take my cup of coffee with me, placing it on the bench.

“Do you want anything?” I ask Lauren, pulling one of the pieces from the toaster.

“No, I’m good.”

I busy myself buttering my toast, and my mind flits back to the weekend just gone. I thought I knew what it would be like to be with Sebastianthat way,but I had no idea. Nothing I could have imagined—no matter how real it felt at times—could have prepared me.

It almost feels surreal.

I was worried when I’d woken up, and he was gone, fearing he regretted everything. But after what happened in his office, it feels different between us. Like we were able to break through the limbo we’d been stuck in. Although, I’m never going to be able to look at a chair the same again.

After ourtimein the office, we’d gone back to bed—together—and I’ve never felt as safe as I did falling asleep in his arms, his body a protective shield wrapped around me.

Neither of us had closed the curtains that night, so we’d been woken early by the rising sun. It worked out well, though, because we took Shadow to the beach, then didnothing—just being in each other’s presence was enough.

We spent the day lounging around, even ordering in, so we didn’t have to cook.

It was perfect.

I’m just about to take a bite when Lauren’s words break through my daze.

“You slept with him,” she exclaims.

“W-what?” I say, my head snapping up, and I drop my toast back to the plate I’m holding.

“You did, didn’t you?” She gives me a pointed stare. “Sebastian was acting strange this morning, but I couldn’t figure it out. And now here you are, humming around the place.”
