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Emery?Blood starts rushing through my ears as I take in the scene in front of me. She’s not just scared. She’s completely fucking terrified. Her whole body trembles as she stares at Deveigne with wide eyes. The image of his smug face when I had my hands around his throat flashes in my mind, but it’s not his bloody smirk I see. It’s his dark blue eyes.

It’s him. It all makes fucking sense.

A growl rips from my throat as I lunge forward, not caring about the three guns pointed directly at me, but Easton’s grip on my arm stops me. “You can’t help her if you’re fucking dead,” he says low in my ear, but there’s a note of panic in his voice.

I can’t let him take her.

“Let me go!” I pull against Easton’s grip, but he tightens his hold on me to the point of pain.

I don’t give a fuck if I die. I’m not letting her go back to the bastard who fucking raped and tortured her for seven years.

Grace—Emery—continues to struggle, and when Deveigne nods to the guy holding her, he slams the butt of his gun into the back of her head, knocking her out in one go. She crumples in his arms, and I watch in utter helplessness as he throws her limp body into the car.

When he shuts the door, Deveigne turns to the other three. “Kill them.”

I break out of Easton’s hold, lunging for the car as he curses, diving for his gun on the ground. As Easton calls my name, shots ring out around me, but my vision is zeroed in on the car Grace was thrown into. Desperation propels me forward, except before I can even get close, searing pain stabs through my shoulder, sending me careening to the ground. I go down hard. My lungs burn for air as black spots blur my vision.

“Sebastian!” Easton shouts from somewhere behind me, fear cutting through his voice in a way I’ve never quite heard from him before. Through the haze clouding my vision, I try to focus on the car with Grace inside.

I have to get to her.

With a last burst of strength, I push myself off the ground, a pain-filled groan ripping from my throat as I try to drag myself closer to her, but it’s not enough. The car drives away, leaving behind the cacophony of gunfire and shouting, taking my heart right along with it.

The last thought I have is I let the girl I love be taken by a monster.

Then everything goes black.
