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I slapped his hand away again. My hands may be bound, but that didn’t mean I’d let him have free rein and do whatever he wanted. He was far too comfortable touching me. A new voice joining in had me glancing over. The blond was awake and watching us. His blue eyes were bright as they wandered over as much of my body as he could see beneath the mountain resting on top of me.

“Get off,” I growled, focusing on the man above me. When he didn’t move I brought my knee up, catching him in the junk before he could shift his leg to avoid the blow.

He grunted and slumped to the cot. Most of his body weight landed beside me, so I quickly wriggled my way out from under him and dashed toward the door to the cabin. It didn’t matter that I was in my underwear and barefoot. I wasn’t staying here a minute longer than I had to. I’d figure out how to survive once I got away from these men.

Survive the streets of Iraq in your underwear? Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

I couldn’t worry about that right now. There was nothing to be done but try to escape. I had people depending on me and I wasn’t staying here.

Someone slammed into me from behind and we both sprawled down onto the floor. The breath was knocked from my lungs again as his weight fell on top of me. Strong hands wrapped around my wrists and he untied the fabric from them, then forced my hands behind my back. They were wedged between our bodies as the man shifted, putting even more of his weight on me, so I couldn’t move.

Dust puffed out around me with every labored breath I took. Clenching my hands into fists, I realized the man on top of me wasn’t wearing much either. My fingers had brushed over soft fabric, near what I assumed was his waist, so thankfully he had on underwear of some kind. He shifted again and I froze as his hard-on rubbed against my ass.

As soon as the realization that he was hard—his dick resting on my ass as he laid between my thighs—hit I started struggling. There was nothing to keep me from screaming this time, so I did. I flung every explicative I’d ever been taught and possibly some new variations at him as I fought his control. He was silent except for the occasional grunt as he struggled to contain me. Deep laughter from the back of the room told me the mountain man was watching us from his cot.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” I yelled, twisting my hands in his hold and trying to buck him off me.

The door opened in front of us and an angry voice snapped through the air like a whip. This time it didn’t sound Russian. I picked out a word here or there so it was either Spanish or Italian. How many languages did these guys speak? It explained why his Russian accent seemed off, but still gave no clue as to who these guys were.

I couldn’t understand all of what he said, but the new guy stood glaring down at us. He had an air of authority about him and I didn’t need to be told he was in charge. I had to resist the urge to stand at attention when he walked in. Not that I was in any position to. He practically radiated his authority. It was the third man from last night. The one with eyes so gray they were nearly silver.

Scowling up at him, I blew the hair out of my face. “If you let me go now, I won’t send the entire U.S. military after you,” I told him.

As if I had any kind of authority to sanction that.That wasn’t something he needed to know.

His sharp smile said that he didn’t believe me for a second, if he even understood me at all. For all I knew he just found it amusing that I was fighting his guy. They didn’t seem to be in a hurry to reply in English. Though the way they kept reacting when I made threats told me they understood more than I initially thought. Still, I spat out a few words of Spanish, trying to piece together a sentence he might understand. Ms. Taylor, my high school Spanish teacher, would be so ashamed of my attempt.

Silver eyes didn’t react at all. His face was a mask of cold indifference to my plea. At least, I think I pleaded. For all I knew I told him my yellow sock lost a duck.

Damn it.I should have paid closer attention in my classes.

He murmured something to blondie, who then shuffled us to our feet and managed to keep hold of my wrists while doing so. Now I was standing in front of this man, arms yanked back, breasts thrust out. His gray eyes leisurely followed the line of my body and I gritted my teeth when my nipples puckered.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Sure, I’d been deployed for seven months and my body hadn’t been touched for far longer than that, but this man was my enemy. My kidnapper. They all were. It was clear beyond any shadow of a doubt that this wasn’t a rescue mission. Maybe if my head wasn’t aching so badly I’d have figured that out sooner since they left my team behind. My body reacting to his attention was a betrayal of the highest order.

And yet you want more.

He stepped closer and I could feel the heat emanating off him. Another half inch closer and I’d be sandwiched between the two men. My heartbeat throbbed in my pussy and I worked hard to ignore the implications of my body enjoying the image my brain had conjured up.

“Rafe,” he said in that deep rumble. His hand brushed his chest, but he was standing so close his knuckles were dangerously close to touching me as well.

I fought against the urge to arch into his touch. “Colby,” I answered. It came out like an exhausted breath. There didn’t seem to be any harm in giving him my name. Maybe if I could humanize myself enough, he’d let me go.

His mesmerizing eyes studied me for a moment before he jerked his chin at the blond. “Sig.” Then his gaze tracked to the back of the room. “Arsen.”

“Great, now that the introductions are done I need you to let me go.”

Those silvery eyes settled on me again. Sig was still clutching me against his chest with one arm while the other held my hands at the small of my back. His thick arm was settled across my ribs, just below my breasts. I had to work to keep my mind off where my hands were currently brushing against his body. I was pretty sure it was his thigh, but if I shifted them just slightly to the left we’d be entering dangerous territory.


My eyes narrowed on him. He was speaking Russian now, just like Arsen. He did understand me. Is that why he’d switched over? My head was aching almost as badly as my heart and I was more confused than ever. If I could just think clearly for a minute, I could come up with a plan.

I cursed myself for taking Spanish in high school. Never had I thought I’d need to know Russian. My whole vocabulary came down to da—yes, something I didn’t plan on saying to them—and het—no.

“I need to go back and find my team,” I pleaded with him. I didn’t care that I was begging. For my team—for Chas—I’d do whatever was necessary. There was still a chance they were alive.

The silence was thick around us as I waited for a response.

Rafe said something to Sig and he dragged me back toward the cots.

“Fuck you,” I yelled as I struggled against his hold. I wasn’t going to let them go through with whatever plans they had for me.
