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She tugged a wooden crate over and packed it with random cloths and blankets she found, before nestling the container inside. She closed the top of the wooden crate, then slid it over to a corner of the room.

“We could drop it off at a U.S. Military Base,” she suggested.

My brows rose. “Because it’s incredibly easy to waltz into those places. ‘Hello there, just dropping off this bottle of chemical agents, pay no mind to the missing female on my camel’.”

She gave me an unamused look. “I could-”

“If you reveal yourself to them, they’ll take you from us,” Arsen told her, cutting her off.

She huffed out an aggravated breath. “You’re right…” Her nose scrunched as she thought and I had to will myself not to reach over to touch her. Not yet. “What if we dropped it outside the gates, at night?”

“That’s a possibility,” I replied. “We could contact the Agency, give them a heads up. Drop it off anonymously. We’ll work out the details later. It’ll be safe here for now. First, we go after Roj. But before that…”

They all looked over and the other two smirked when I yanked Colby into my arms. I buried my nose in her hair and gripped her so tight she wheezed a little. There hadn’t been time to revel in the fact that we were alive. I’d been too busy getting us the fuck out of there before Roj and his men showed up.

I eased the pressure I had on her and she wrapped her arms around me. “Good job, Pet,” I murmured.

She looked up at me and smiled. “Thanks for trusting me.”

Sighing, I cupped the back of her neck, letting my thumb rub over her jaw. “I’ll always do my best by you, Colby. Your terms…won’t always be easy, but I’ll try.”

“That’s all I ask,” she said, her lips curving with her pleasure.

She squealed when I scooped her into my arms and headed upstairs. “You guys coming or what?” I called out over my shoulder.

The sound of their footsteps on the stairs made me chuckle. They were as ready for this as I was. If Colby wasn’t we’d spend however much time we needed making her ready. She was going to be a wet, sloppy mess by the time we fucked her.

Her gasp as we stepped into the bedroom made me tense. “Is that a shower?” she asked as though it was a fucking unicorn.

My muscles relaxed and I nodded. “It is.” I set her on her feet and stripped off my thwab. Next came my shirt and my lips quirked as she stared at my chest.

The house wasn’t the most comfortable, but it had electricity and that shower. That was all we needed for now. Without words, we undressed ourselves before we converged on Colby like a pack of rabid wolves.

She smiled and held her hands up so I could remove her thwab. Her hand brushed over Sig’s back as he bent to remove her boots. She was open to this and we could feel her excitement mounting. The adrenaline from nearly being blown up still hadn’t worn off, even though several hours had passed. She was as ready to celebrate that rush of survival with the same enthusiasm that we were.

I left them to finish stripping off her clothes, and started up the shower. Adjusting the knobs, I tested the water until it ran just shy of blistering hot.

She stepped into the bathroom and my eyes drank in the sight of her standing naked before me. She was so damn gorgeous she made my mouth go dry.

I opened the curtain for her, then stepped in behind her.

“What about us?” Arsen complained and I shot him a predatory smile.

“Looks like you’ll have to wait your turn.”

“Asshole,” Sig muttered, but they leaned against the wall in the small bathroom, taking up all the extra space, and watched as I grabbed a bar of soap that’d been left here for us.

The woman I paid to clean and stock up the place had done a great job. Lathering the soap between my hands, I then rubbed them over Colby’s tits.

Her head fell back onto my shoulder as I played with her. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the heat from the water pelting her combined with my touch.

My hand slicked down over her belly and she moaned as I rubbed it between her thighs. My cock was a hard line pressing against her ass.

“I’m never going to get clean if you only focus there,” she said, amusement coloring her voice.

With my other hand I grabbed the soap and handed it over. “You get the other parts.”

She laughed softly, but started scrubbing her skin clean. She’d gasp and moan when I hit places she enjoyed, but she was determined to wash.
