Page 15 of Count the Ways

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Chapter Seven


September 24th…

Isabel and I have spent every spare minute together, loathe to be apart any longer than necessary. We already wasted time we could have had and I refuse to lose more.

I’ve met her mom and thankfully, she forgave me for my lack of communication once we explained what happened. Likewise with my own mother and Isabel. The two matriarchs have gotten together for lunch frequently and have become great friends.

That could have to do with the fact they’re both happy as can be that their respective offspring has found their one. Which means grandkids are closer than before.

Since Isabel and her mom share an apartment, she prefers to stay overnight at my place. Which is fine by me as that means she can scream as loud as she wants when I take her. Something I do as often as possible. Her essentially living with me requires us driving to work separately and ensuring there are at least five to ten minutes between our arrivals.

Unfortunately, we haven’t found a loophole for our situation at work, so we continue to sneak around. In the meantime, we have a lawyer looking into it for us, a friend of my mom’s. Until a resolution Isabel and I can be happy with is found, we’re very careful about being seen together in public. As in, we aren’t. We usually go a couple towns over for dates, knowing the likelihood of someone who knows us from work seeing us is slim.

Eventually, our luck ran out. We decided to getaway for a weekend, wanting to go to a place where we don’t have to hide our love. It’s been great being able to hold hands, kiss, and so forth without fear.

Honestly, we became complacent. In our defense, we never imagined we’d be discovered two hours across the state line. Not even in our worst nightmare did we think it would be curtesy of Karen Rushton.

The woman has been relentless in her pursuit of me despite the fact I’ve never once given her an inkling that I return the attraction. When I can, I foist her off on others, but as if she was on to me, she began coming up with excuses to speak to me that only the principal could handle.

She got so bad that I started requesting my secretary be in the office with me as I never wanted to be alone with her.

I know the instant she spots us, the second she sees Isabel snuggled against me, my arm around her and my lips pressed to the side of her head. There was no denying that we’re a couple, no way she could miss how comfortable we are together, signifying this isn’t a new relationship.

“What do we do?” Isabel whispers.

Part of me wants to shield her, to figure out how we can fix this, but the other – bigger – part is done with pretending. I want everyone to know, and if that means my job, I’ll get a different one.

“Do you really care?” I need to know that first.

Instead of answering, Isabel shifts and kisses me. It’s not sweet nor gentle. The glare on Karen’s face when we surface tells me the message was received and she’s furious.

My woman just effectively, albeit politely, told Karen to eff off.


“Are you sure?” Isabel asks later that night after we spent the few hours following Karen’s abrupt departure making arrangements.

I nod and remind her, “We were always going to get to this point. Our timetable simply got moved up.”

“You know how much I enjoy being early,” she teases.

“I can’t wait until you’re late,” I whisper as I place my palm over her belly.

“Me either,” she agrees and we turn to face the man waiting on us, both more than ready to take yet another monumental step toward our future. Later, we’ll do this with our family and friends. Right now, this is just for us.
