Page 115 of Despair

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Evan wasgrateful for Grace’s steady hand at his nape as he ripped open the letter from Mary.

My dearest Evan,

You were the last to arrive, but the first to truly value the meaning of family. Out of all your siblings, I think you’ll understand the most why Flint and I are leaving you.

You’re ready.

To love. To save.

Keep using that big heart of yours. Keep reminding your brothers and sisters to not be so serious. Keep being their conscience.


Mary & Flint.

* * *

Griffin, our dear sweet boy.

We are devastated we won’t be around to see your son enter this world —

Griffin hid the letter from Lilo.

“She knows,” he said, eyes wide.

“Well,” Lilo replied with a soft smile and rub of her belly. “I suppose it’s not a secret anymore.”

He went back to reading the letter.

We are so proud of you,Mary continued.

In some ways, you’ve come the furthest out of all your siblings. Remember to be patient, and to have an open mind.

And this in Flint’s writing, And if things get a little crazy after bub arrives, always remember happy wife, happy life.

Love Mary and Flint.

* * *

Wyatt, our dear son. They call you the angriest, the quickest to temper, but we’ve always known the reason why. You feel the deepest. It matters to you.

I left the recipe for my Jerk Chicken in the third drawer down in your kitchen. You’re welcome. Don’t ever quit your passions—and remind the rest to do the same.

Kiss Amari for us, and when she’s old enough, I left my antique shuriken set for her to train.

Love, Mary and Flint.

* * *

Sloan, mija. Keep smiling. Keep your brothers and sisters smiling. And when the time comes, also know it’s okay to feel sad sometimes. It’s okay to rest. You don’t have to take the world’s emotions on your shoulders.

Love Mary and Flint.

P.S. (in Flint’s handwriting)

Do NOT let Parker forget we had a hand in creating AIMI. And don’t let his head get any bigger or I will come back to prank you as a ghost.

* * *
