Page 119 of Despair

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He glanced over at his perceptive little niece and then darted a glance to her father who still glared at the people around them.

“You didn’t hear anything,” Griffin said to her with a wink.

“But I want dress up costumes for my birthday,” she whined.

“You’re getting a little old to play dress up, Mari,” Wyatt said absently.

“You let Mommy play dress up with you,” she countered.

Wyatt’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned pink. “No, we don’t.”

“Yes, you do! I heard you and Mommy pretending to be—”

Wyatt covered his daughter’s mouth with his hand and whispered something into her ear. Probably a bribe. He was such a push over when it came to his little princess.

Daisy rescued him from further embarrassment and pointed down to the field. “Look, kids. The game is about to start.”

The organ played loudly, the crowd cheered, and a person walked up to the pitcher’s plate where a microphone stood. Griffin considered getting his earplugs out of his pocket to help block the anthem noise, but the person didn’t sing. They announced the stadium had special guests in the crowd. Immediately Wyatt growled, tugged on his baseball cap and tried to shrink, but it was no use. Amari and Flint jumped onto their seats and pointed at the big screen, camera now focused directly on them.

“Dad, Dad. Look. It’s us! We’re famous!” Flint exclaimed.

The cousins squealed together as though this was a big game, but Griffin clenched his jaw and waved politely as camera bulbs around them started flashing.

Daisy was still shy with the attention, especially considering she’d given up the crime-fighting part of it. Everyone else in the family still put on a suit, so they were still the Seven. But things were more casual now. Crime in the city was under control.

Flint and Amari kept jumping on their seats. Flint slipped and almost tumbled forward, but Daisy’s hand went out and caught him with her gift. He hovered mid air, half tipped over until Griffin nabbed him and sat him back down with a mumbled thanks to Daisy. He was grateful she still had her telekinesis. They still didn’t know if she carried other gifts in her system. Any time one of them would ask, she’d just smile mysteriously and shrug. But they all respected her choice. Unlike them, who’d had a fairly normal upbringing, Daisy never had. This was her time to fly.

Daisy smiled, and he asked her why.

“I just realized something,” she said, and nodded to the people still cheering them on. “Julius once told me it was us against the world, but he couldn’t have been more wrong. They’re not against us. We’re all in this together.”

He wanted to tell her that he preferred anonymity. But looking at her fitting herself snuggly under Axel’s arm, Griffin was happy for her. He held his tongue. She deserved happiness too.

They all did.

* * *

Somewhere in the Afterlife

Flint poured steamingblack coffee into a mug just as his wife walked into the kitchen. He smiled at her, hardly able to believe his luck in marrying the love of his life.

“Movie’s about to start,” she reminded him, her eyes crinkling as she smiled back.

Instant hard-on. He didn’t care how old he got, he would always respond to her smiles like that. When she looked back at him with feminine appreciation, he tugged her close for a kiss. She melted into him with a sigh that ticked all his right boxes. She always had. Only for him did her tough as nails personality soften. Only for him did she put down her sword and relax.

Speaking of relaxing, it was Date Night. Movie time.

He handed her the coffee, then collected the popcorn and his own mug.

“Let’s go,” he said.

They sat down next to each other on the sofa. She fit under his arm and he tugged her close as she clicked the remote to turn the giant flat screen on. While she managed the TV, he covered their legs with a blanket and then handed her the mug from the coffee table.

Mary patted his chest affectionately as she sipped from her mug, her eyes alight with excitement.

“What’s the movie called?” he asked.

“The Deadly Seven,” she answered.

His brows winged up. “Cool name. What’s it about?”

“Well,” she said, taking a sip of her coffee. “It’s about genetically modified vigilantes who sense deadly sin, but it’s a little different than a normal superhero movie.”

“How so?”

She met his eyes and smiled again. “It’s also about love and family.”


The End.
