Page 63 of Despair

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It tookmere minutes for Axel to extricate everyone locked in the attic and help them down to the yard across the street. Daisy, who’d been pale and stilted throughout the fire had woken up the moment Lilo climbed out the window.

She’d helped the pregnant woman down with care, murmuring softly into her ear, no doubt telling her about the family being on the way.

Except Lilo’s husband, Axel realized. Griffin was locked away in a cell, blacked out and beholden to the whims of his sin.

Joe, Liza’s mate, was the last through the window with Max climbing out just before him. By the time they all got down and safe, Daisy had enlisted a neighbor to help supply cups of water and blankets to the distraught victims. The elderly couple who owned the house directly opposite were more than happy to help.

The mates were dehydrated, hungry, tired, and all shell shocked. But as far as Axel could see, they were in one piece and uninjured.

Axel kept away other neighbors wanting to help put out the fire. “Leave it to the professionals,” he said.

This was the biggest mistake he saw in his job. Civilians thought they could put out fires with garden hoses or buckets. They forgot about the gas lines running through the walls. There had already been one explosion. All it took was for another to turn them all to cinders.

There were things he could do, but he knew that the moment he turned his back, someone would try to jump in and help him. It wasn’t worth it to save a house. Especially one Daisy had such bad memories in.

He stood behind the white picket fence in the elderly neighbors’ yard, watching the fire glow and crackle from a safe distance. Others watched from their property lines and gossiped amongst themselves, but for the most of it, they’d heeded his warning not to get close.

They’d been so lucky. If he’d not opened the kitchen window and left the front door open… if Daisy hadn’t been able to shield them with her gift…

Daisy came to stand with him, but then Misha, the blond woman with curly hair launched into her, wrapping her in a tight embrace.

“Thank you,” Misha, cried. “I knew you would find us. I knew it.”

Max, the tall, tanned Australian owner of Nightingale Securities walked over to Axel. Joe, the only other male there was FBI. Axel hadn’t officially met any of them so he introduced himself.

“I’m Axel,” he said, holding out his hand. “Daisy’s mate.”

Joe’s thick Italian brows lifted. He shared a look with Max who immediately narrowed his eyes at Axel. They both shook Axel’s hand when a brown-skinned woman with fiery eyes stuck out her hand to him, too.

“I’m Bailey,” she said. “Tony’s mate. Is he… are they all okay?”

“They’re okay except…” His voice trailed off and he couldn’t help looking to where Daisy tossed a blanket over Lilo’s shoulder and handed her a cup. Dr. Grace Go, Evan’s mate directed the water to those who needed it most. She had dark circles and sallow skin herself but must have been keeping tabs on the health status of her fellow prisoners. She must be a good doctor if she continued to put the needs of others before herself.

Bailey gasped, “Griff? He’s not…”

Axel’s gaze snapped back to her and the men. “He’s alive and uninjured. He’s just not himself.” He lowered his voice, not wanting to alarm Lilo. “He’s been locked up because they can’t control him. He’s gone dark.”

“Liza?” Joe clipped.

“Sloan?” Max added.

“They’re both fine. They should be on their way here.”

Fine wasn’t exactly the right word, but again, he didn’t want to worry any of them. He also didn’t think it was his place to announce the inner workings of the Deadly Seven. He made his excuse and went to Daisy.

“Do you need anything from me?” he asked. “Has someone called the fire department?”

Grateful violet eyes washed over him. It was enough for him to see she felt adrift. She glanced at an elderly couple keeping their distance on the front porch.

“I told them to call,” she muttered, “but they seem a bit skittish.”

He touched her shoulder and said with a calm tone, “I’ll sort it out. You keep updating these guys on what’s been happening. They want news and I don’t want to alarm them.” He paused. “I told Joe, Max, and Bailey about Griff.”

She sighed. “Okay. I’ll break it to Lilo.”

Axel walked up the porch steps to the elderly couple.
