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‘Large gay population there. Did he spend his time eyeing the local male talent?’

‘No! He did not.’

Martha narrowed her eyes. ‘Perhaps he was subtle. He strikes me as the devious sort.’

‘George is not devious.’

‘I think he is, and Sharon agrees with me.’


‘She says he’s guarded. Careful what he says, like he’s holding back on something. If he’s not gay, then he’s got another secret. You mark my words.’

Over at the Halcyon household,Monday morning breakfast was a fraught occasion with the threat of a volatile eruption throbbing just below the surface of everything said.

‘Did you have a nice time in Brighton, lovie?’ Sally asked as she topped up George’s tea mug.

‘Brighton?’ Chas lowered his newspaper and glowered at George. ‘What were you doing in bleeding Brighton?’

‘Having a weekend away with a friend.’

‘Friend? What friend, do we know him?’

George glanced at his mother, puzzled why his father thought the companion in Brighton was male.

‘I’m sorry, Georgie,’ Sally said. ‘I told your dad you were meeting up with your friend from university.’


‘Yes, that’s the one.’ Sally agreed, her large green eyes sendingback me upmessages.

Shiftily, George glanced at each of his parents. He guessed his mum must have had a good reason for not telling Dad about Millie and, if he was honest, he was quite glad his father didn’t know about her yet. If anyone was going to ruin this thing with Millie, it was his dad.

‘Are you coming into the garage with me today?’ Chas pushed his chair back and waited for his son to agree.

‘I thought you said you didn’t want me there.’

‘I didn’t mean that. You know it. I want you to join me. Share my business. You’re old enough now.’

‘Dad, don’t start that again. I’ve got reading to do,’ George said and saw the change in his father. He should have been more careful. Chas had been offering an olive branch and unthinking, he’d just chucked it back.

Purple in the face, Chas rose from his chair, knocking it over. ‘Reading! Bleeding reading. Do you ever do anything else?’

‘It’s part of his studies,’ Sally interrupted.

‘I know what it is!’ Chas turned on her. ‘I’m not stupid, even if you think I am. But is it too much to expect my son, my only son, should put in a bit of time with the business? After all, it is what’s paid for his luxury trip to Brighton.’

Sally shrivelled under the onslaught.

‘It wasn’t a luxury weekend,’ George said, pushing out of his chair and standing, glaring at his father. ‘Listen, don’t attack Mum. It’s not her fault I have work to do for my degree. When my studies are over, I won’t be a financial burden to you anymore. I’ll even pay you back if you really want. In the meantime, don’t bully Mum. She does her best by all of us.’

Chas placed his balled fists on the table and he leant towards George. The two men locked eyes. Explosive rage on both parts until Chas backed down and stamped out of the room.

‘I’m sorry, mum.’ George took his mother into his arms and held her close.

‘I should have warned you,’ she said.
