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‘You said he died. You didn’t say how?’

‘Motorbike accident.’ She dropped her hands into her lap and frowned down at them. ‘They said it was an accident. I was never sure. He was so beautiful in his leathers.’ She sighed, then looked up into Owen’s eyes with the green fierceness of a dragon before she said, ‘And he looked so much like you.’

It was then Owen knew he had lost the battle to be good. ‘Is this for old time’s sake?’ he said.

‘If you like. If it makes you feel better.’

‘I’m sorry–that was insensitive. I shouldn’t have said it.’

She moved closer. He could feel the warmth coming in waves off her pale, pale skin. She said, ‘I’m not expecting a long-term relationship. I’m not asking you to go on dates with me or become a permanent live-in lover. All I want is a few hours while George is busy at the pub with Millie. So I can feel young again. Be in the arms of a truly beautiful young man and feel his strength inside me. That’s all I’m asking.’

Owen leant forward and kissed Sally, taking her face in his hands and pressing into her. Making her feel wanted and desired. Truth: it was easy. He wanted her.
