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There was a light covering of snow, rapidly freezing to ice as George walked Sally home.

‘That’s the worst over,’ he said, pulling her closer to his side.

‘You think?’ she said, looking up into his face.

‘Yes. Don’t you?’

‘Not sure.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I think there might be trouble ahead.’

‘With Owen?’


‘What? Because he doesn’t like Saint Henry.’

‘No need to be like that.’

‘Can’t help it.’ George dropped his arm from Sally’s shoulder and walked on. ‘Neither me nor Owen really like the man. We both think he manipulates you and mum.’


‘You heard.’

‘Yes, I did. I just couldn’t believe it. Henry is a lovely man. He’s besotted with your mum, and cares for you and Owen as if you were his own sons.’

‘Bollocks!’ George kicked at the snow, sending a shower of white dust like icing sugar in the air above his foot.

They walked on in a silence throbbing with George’s sullen mood and Millie’s amazement until they reached her building.

‘I suppose you won’t let me in,’ George said sulkily.

‘And why do you suppose that?’

‘I dunno, just perhaps you’re angry with me and…’

‘I’m not angry. Just surprised you can misread someone as badly as you’ve misread Henry.’ Millie looked into George’s face, searching for something. He did not know what. He knew it had been a dreadful day. Owen was back at home feeling like shit. He ought to be there, supporting his best mate, but right now all he wanted to do was tell Millie he loved her. Most of all, he wanted to make it permanent. He wanted to ask her to marry him. Before he had even thought about it, he was down on one knee on the snow, icy wetness seeping into his Moss Bros trouser leg.

‘George, what are you doing?’

‘I don’t have a ring yet, but if I don’t ask now, I think I am going to explode,’ he said and Millie gaped down at him, her dark blue eyes round in astonishment.

‘Millie, er.. Millicent Mackie,’ he said, changing it to be more formal, ‘I love you. I really hope you believe me. Because I am not lying. I have never meant anything more in my entire life as this… I LOVE YOU. And…’ he gulped and continued before she could interrupt. ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you. After uni, of course. Got to finish that, get my degree. But when that is over, I want to marry you. Please Millie, will you marry me?’

Millie closedher mouth and stared down at George. The look of desperate hope on his face was painful to see. How could she say no? She wouldn’t say no.

‘Oh, George,’ she said. ‘Of course I’ll marry you. But we’ll have to be sensible. Wait until we’ve both got jobs and then be careful that I don’t get pregnant too soon. You do want children?’

‘Oh yes… eventually, of course.’

‘Then yes, I’ll marry you and we’ll be sensible. Take it in stages, education, good jobs, nice flat and eventually, when we can afford it… a family.’

‘Have you been talking with Owen?’ George asked, creaking into the upright, his right knee wet and frozen.
