Page 17 of Queen’s Sacrifice

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Ares doesn’t slow down. I stare after his retreating figure, my hands clenching and unclenching.

Penny pulls me back into the real world by pulling on my hand again. “Hades?”

My heart lurches. I glance down at her for a just a second. My heart starts pounding when I’m faced with a bigger, more messy problem.

Even if the child is mine…

What the fuck am I supposed to do with a fragile new life in this messed up world?

I can’t help myself. Reverting to my old ways, I take my feelings out on Penny.

“Be quiet,” I growl. “I have to figure out what to do with ye.”

Her eyes widen. “What do you mean by that?”

I give myself a shake and then fish my phone from my pocket, ordering a ride to the nearest hotel. All the while, I keep glancing at her stomach out of the corner of my eye. It’s just unbelievable that she should be in such a state. In all the time I spent imagining this reunion, I never for a second thought that Penny would be pregnant.

The question is, is it even my child?

If it is mine, I’ll deal with it.

But if not… I will have to deal with her, somehow.

My chest tightens with the thought of all the myriad possibilities.

“Can you say something?” Penny asks, frustrated.

I snap my head to the side and scowl down at Penny. Shaking loose of her grasp, I glower at her.

“What am I supposed to do with ye?” I ask her, my tone sharp. “Hmm? I’d love to know how the fuck you disappeared for four months and now you show up…” I wave at her belly, making my disgust apparent. “And yer obviously pregnant. It’s like ye are a cat that sneaked out of the house and came back just to give birth.”

Penny swallows, a protective hand going to her belly. “It’s your child, Hades.”

Letting out a snort of disbelief, I shake my head. “We’ll see what a doctor has to say about that.”

To my surprise, she nods eagerly. “I need to see an obstetrician right away. I have been held hostage on an island for months and haven’t been to a doctor at all.” She bites her lip, her expression concerned. When she opens her mouth to continue, though, I raise a hand to stop her.

“No more talking,” I snap. “I have to figure out where I’m taking ye.”

Penny’s expression looks pinched, but she just lifts her chin, angry and defiant. I want to grips her hips, pull her again my body, and greedily taste her plump pink lips.

But I just corral her toward the waiting SUV. I need to know what happened, but first we have to get out of the street and into the relative safety of a hotel suite.

As if summoned, a black SUV pulls up only a few feet away. I walk over, yanking open the back door. Then I step aside, motioning for Penny to get in.

She looks at me, swallowing. There is a note of indecision in her eyes.

Then she bows her head and walks past me, climbing in the back seat.
