Page 64 of Queen’s Sacrifice

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“It’s incredible,” she mutters. “I mean, you can see the brushstrokes so clearly this close up.” She waves a hand across the artwork she is talking about, from one side to the other. “You can tell so much more about the light and the movement seeing them in person. This is… It’s honestly crazy that I have never been here.”

I put my arm around her, feeling like I’ve won a prize. My heart squeezes.

She looks up at me with wide, innocent eyes. “Thank you, Hades. Thank you for knowing just where to bring me. This is so inspiring.”

“Of course,” I say, as if it was nothing.

As if I didn’t have to threaten to expose Rene’s gambling habit to his family in order to get this little tour. My lips curve upward at the corners. “We only have the museum to ourselves for another half an hour. I was thinking that we would go to the little café that they have upstairs and sit outside on the terrace. How Parisian is that?”

Her eyes fill with tears. I frown, thinking that I’ve done something wrong.

“What is it?”

“It’s just… wonderful. That’s all. It all just seems so…”

She lets go of my hand and does a whirl, letting her skirt fly out wide. She makes a couple of turns around the wooden floor, grinning and looking happier than I can ever remember.

I admit, I feel good, knowing that I have shown her something new and wonderful to her. Will it always be this easy with Persephone?

“So? You approve?” I ask.

She laughed forever. “Of course I do. Thank you again for bringing me here. I can’t get enough. I would probably never leave if the staff didn’t make me.”

Offering her my arm, I wink. “Come on. Let’s go feed the baby. Besides, you haven’t lived until you’ve seen the café patio here…”

She takes my arm, and we leave the echoing gallery, talking a little too loudly about Penny’s favorite things she’s seen today.
