Page 73 of Queen’s Sacrifice

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Eros calls out. “Can’t have any loose ends, can we?”

I frown, climbing the last step. True to his word, Eros comes trotting up the stairs, as carefree as you please.

“Watch yourself, or ye’ll have me thinking ye’ve gone and traded places with Ares.” A muscle ticks in my jaw as I watch him push a hand through his shirt, dark pompadour. He shrugs.

“It needed doing, so I did it.” He sticks his gun in his waistband and straightens his dark cuffs.

“I spared his life.” I push my middle finger into his chest. “You don’t climb over my decisions. I’m still the one in charge here.”

Eros looks at me sharply, pushing his cheek out with his tongue. “Aye, so ye’ve said.”

I splay my hand out against the solid wall of his chest, giving him a little push. My mouth twists bitterly.

“Do we have a problem, Eros? First you leave my girl unprotected and she gets fucking taken by force. And now yer questioning my decision making?”

He releases an exaggerated sigh. “Nobody wants ye focused on anything that’s not business. This thing we’re doing right now? This is distracting you from that goal. So the sooner we can find your little whore and get back to work, the better—"

I crank back my arm, slugging him right in the jaw. He’s still a Lyon, so he knows how to take the punch. But he’s thrown back a few steps, his hand touching his jaw. He looks at me with nothing but contempt.

I raise my hand, holding a finger aloft in warning. “Not another word, brother.”

He turns his head and spits on the floor, clenching his jaw tightly. I storm through the tiny house, bursting out of the structure. A broad sweep of stars greet me; we are far enough outside civilization that it’s nothing but bright diamonds sprinkled in a vast sheet of black velvet above. All around me, there is nothing to greet the dark skies but sand, rock, and the occasional scruffy plant.

Ares leans against the black sedan we drove here in, looking up at me. His expression is careful, measuring. As I stalk toward the car, Eros emerges from the house.

Ares pushes himself off the car, his gaze traveling between the two of us. “Did ye get a location out of him?”

“Sort of. He confessed that Constantine mentioned something vague about the beach and the States. I believe that he might mean New Orleans.”

Eros screws up his face. “New Orleans doesn’t have a beach. It’s a good distance from the coast, if I remember correctly.”

I reach the car and wrench the driver’s side door open. “Yeah, well. I’m going to drive to the nearest airport that will take our fake papers. And you get on the phone and find out where Constantine could be taking Persephone.” I start to get in the car, then hesitate. “Persephone once mentioned that she and Constantine lived together on this beach. So… maybe try Etienne.”

Eros jogs up to the car, hand on his chin where I hit him. He silently opens the door and slides into the back seat, as sullen as a little boy.

Ares looks at me, lifting his brows. I just shake my head.

“Do we need to…” Ares pauses, looking back at the house. “Are we just going to leave the bugger here?”

“Eros took it upon himself to kill our last source.” I climb into the car. “Come on. Pick up the phone. I’ll work on getting us back to civilization.”

He jogs around to the passenger side, quickly letting himself in. He turns, quirking a brow at Eros. Eros flips him off and then looks away, staring out his window.

I let out a growl as I start the car.

I’m coming for you, Persephone. And I’m going to rain down hellfire when I find you.

With her face in my mind, I rev the engine and then take off at full speed.
