Page 30 of The Dating Pact

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“Istill can’t believe you painted the ceiling,” I said, laughing over a plate of spaghetti.

My plan to stay for an hour had soon turned into a dinner invitation. And since I’d made good progress on my writing while Everly sewed, how could I say no? When Indie arrived home from work, she didn’t seem the least bit surprised to see me setting the table. Conversation flowed easily as we shared our favorite memories, one of them being how Everly painted their dorm ceiling.

“You remember our room freshman year,” Indie said. “The white tiles covering the ceilings were hideous. We had to spruce them up. Our RA was cool. She didn’t mind as long as we turned the tiles back when we moved out. Honestly, we were doing the school a favor by leaving behind some gorgeous artwork.”

“I’m not sure I’d call it art.” Everly chuckled. “I just liked to doodle.”

Indie rolled her eyes. “Anyone who makes things the way you do is an artist. I mean, you spent the afternoon sewing costumes for Quinn and me. And look around you: painted walls, elaborately decorated trees, and a whole bunch of kids’ crafts hanging on our fridge. Our house could look a giant mess, but it doesn’t. You stage everything to look artsy and quirky. Right, Wyatt? Back me up here.”

I nodded and sipped my wine. “She’s right. Don’t sell yourself short, Ev. You’ve always been the most creative person I know.”

“Says the famous writer.”

Our eyes met, and I’d swear a million watts of electricity crackled between us. I took another long sip of my wine, wondering if I was the only one experiencing the pull between us.

“I’m glad we’re doing this. It’s just like old times,” Indie said, appearing not to notice my inner turmoil. “When it was the three of us social misfits against the world.”

I arched my brow. “Misfits? Really?”

“Come on, you were a closeted fantasy freak.” Indie snorted. “You were basically a geek hiding in a hot bod.”

“Indie,” Everly said, her face blushing pink.

“Well, it’s true.” Indie lifted her chin and stared at me defiantly, challenging me to argue. But she was right. Many of my college friends hadn’t realized how deep my obsession ran. I’d kept it a secret because none of them would have understood.

“And I was a nineteen-year-old girl fascinated with anime and paranormal romance,” Indie continued. “Not exactly Miss Popularity over here, although I was your go-to when it came to seducing werewolves and the occasional hot zombie.”

Everly laughed. “You’re ridiculous. You’d have given any pageant girl a run for her money.”

“Maybe you’re right. I do enjoy wearing high heels and promoting world peace.” Indie gave a pageant wave before reaching over and squeezing Everly’s hand. “You were the most normal of us all. Actually, I take it back. Wyatt and I were the misfits, and you were just along for the weird ride.” Indie turned and smiled at me. “The Three Musketeers, back together again.”

“It is nice, isn’t it?” Everly turned to me and her affectionate smile stole my breath.

“I should—” My phone buzzed, snapping me back to reality. Without even glancing at the screen, I knew it was Lukas.

“Sorry, I’ve got to go.” I stood and pushed in my chair. No more hiding from my brother. I needed to tell him I wouldn’t help him, not after what he happened between him and Everly.

Indie got up too. “Let me walk you out. It’ll give us more time to catch up.”

“Sure thing.” I carried my plate over to the sink, and as I set it down, a pair of arms encircled my waist.


Gosh. She might be tiny, but she was also incredibly strong. Then again, anyone harassed online who emerged on the other side smiling was a force to be reckoned with.

“Thanks for spending time with me today.” Everly pulled away, and her absence struck me with a whoosh.

Well, shoot. I was in trouble.

“Are you ready?” Indie called out from the front door.

I grabbed my laptop bag, and together, Indie and I walked down the driveway to the street, where I’d parked my car.

“Good seeing you tonight,” she said. “Don’t be a stranger. And be like those guys you write about.”

I hesitated before pulling out my car keys. “Excuse me?”
