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Ashley hunched her shoulders as the bile-green jealousy rolled through her. The conflicting emotions were ripping her in shreds. She wanted to pull the other woman away and yet she felt the need to hurt Sebastian the way he was hurting her.

She looked away, unable to see Sebastian in the arms of another woman. She hated this feeling. The ferocity scared her. She didn’t know if she could contain it. Ashley jerkily turned away. She refused to live this way for even a moment. She wouldn’t tolerate this, even if it meant losing her family home forever.

Ashley pushed her way through the dance floor. She was dragged in and then thrust from side to side as she bumped against dancers. She gritted her teeth and placed a shaky hand on her churning stomach. She had to get out of here.

Forcing herself not to look back, Ashley wasn’t even going to think about where she could go next. She didn’t have money for a taxi or a hotel room. It didn’t matter. She just needed to get away.

She stepped out of the club and took a deep breath, inhaling the hot and humid air. A crowd of people was waiting to get into the club and the flashing lights from the sea of paparazzi cameras blinded her. She felt light-headed as the emotions battled inside her. Her legs wobbled just as she felt Sebastian’s hand wrap around her waist.

“Make me run after you again,” he whispered against her ear, “and you will not like the consequences.”

“That wasn’t my plan,” she said quietly. “And you will not like the consequences if you make me angry again.”

“I believe the term is jealous,” Sebastian said as he escorted her to his black limousine.

“I’m not jealous.” Jealousy would mean that her emotions were involved. That it wasn’t just sex between them. “I simply don’t share.”

“Neither do I,” he warned.

“Where to, Mr. Cruz?” the chauffeur in the dark suit asked as he opened the door for them to enter the car.

“Home,” Sebastian said.

Ashley shook her head. “I’m not getting in there with you.” She sensed the chauffeur’s surprise, but she didn’t look at him. She knew it was a bold statement, when Sebastian could easily pick her up and toss her in the backseat. Considering the dark mood he was in, he might choose the trunk.

His hand flexed on her waist. “I’m not in the mood for a scene.”

She felt the attention of the crowd and the flashing lights from the cameras were going fast and furious. She didn’t want an audience, but she had to tell Sebastian exactly how she felt. “I told you that I don’t play games,” she said in a low voice, hoping no one could hear their conversation. “If you are going to spend the next month trying to make me jealous, we are going to end it here.”

There was a long beat of tense silence before Sebastian spoke. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have done that and I’m not proud of it,” he said begrudgingly. “I was trying to prove a point and it backfired.”

Ashley didn’t move or look at him. She knew this was as close as she was going to get to an apology but she needed more. He wasn’t going to give it to her. It was best to end this now.

“It won’t happen again,” he said. “I promise.”

She glanced up. She hadn’t expected that from Sebastian. She stared into his eyes and saw the sincerity and regret. She didn’t know if she should trust it. He could be lying. This could be a game to him. The man was a seducer. A womanizer.

But she wanted to believe him. And that’s what scared her. She was willing to believe he would honor his promise when there was no proof that he would.

It was because she wanted to stay, she realized dazedly. Her body yearned for his touch and she knew she would regret it if she left. Sebastian had been correct; this agreement wasn’t just about Inez Key. She wanted another chance to experience the exquisite and intense pleasure one more time.

Ashley gave a sharp nod and saw the sexual hunger flare in Sebastian’s eyes. Excitement gripped her as she stepped into the limousine. She found it hard to breathe as her heart pounded in her ears. She was ready for whatever the night may bring.

But she would not surrender.
