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She’s enthralling when she’s totally relaxed and her well-constructed walls are down.

Do I feel like a cunt invading her privacy like this when I told myself that I was going to do the right thing? Nah, not really.

Right now, I know she’s safe. And even better than that, I know her plans for the day. Things couldn’t really be any more perfect.

Well, I guess they could. I could be sitting here, listening to her telling whoever is on the phone that she’s going to forgive me. She could be explaining how awesome I am and how hot those photos were last night, and how she can’t wait to see how hard I get for her in real life.

Keep dreaming, Cirillo.

It’s going to take a bit more than a few dirty photos to make Emmie change her mind about any of this.

Reaching over, I pull my top drawer open and rummage inside for the box I know is in there without taking my eyes from the screen.

Pulling out the velvet box, I flip the lid and pluck her ring from the centre.

The tracker Link put inside it has been deactivated and removed.

A heavy sigh passes my lips as I finally look at it.

My heart sits heavy in my chest as I move it back and forth, allowing the red diamond to catch the light.

It looks all kinds of lonely, not on her body.

This piece of jewellery was made for her.

It’s her to a T. It’s beautiful, dark, mysterious, edgy, dangerous. And one of a fucking kind.

Somehow, I need to find a way to get it back to her. It belongs to her, even if she’s not wearing it on her finger as my wife.

Pain pierces my chest at the thought of her walking away from this.

Dad has assured me that our marriage came with a pretty iron-tight prenup that even the best lawyer in the country is going to struggle to get out of.

But I won’t hold her to it. I can’t.

Not in the ways I’ve tried in the past, anyway.

Forcing her hand didn’t work. All she did was push back harder.

I’ve got to remind her of all the good stuff, of all the reasons we’re like fire when we connect. Why she fucking consumes my every thought, brings me to my goddamn knees, and lights an inferno inside me… all without even being in the same part of the city.

Grabbing my phone, I shoot her a message.

Theo: Good morning, beautiful. I hope you dreamed of me.

A smile twitches at my lips and my stomach knots in excitement when she looks at her phone that lights up on her dresser.

Her smile starts slow, but it soon increases as she reads my words, her own conversation coming to a grinding halt mid-conversation.

My chest swells, my own smile spreading across my face, knowing I can render her useless with just a few words.

I might have spent my life trying to overpower men bigger, older, and better than me, but I’ve never felt more powerful in my entire life, knowing I have this effect over her.

“Oh… uh… y-yeah. I’m still here,” Emmie says, picking up her phone and reading it again. “Yeah okay. Sure. I’ll talk to you later. Have a good day. Throat punch him for me, yeah?”

I can’t help but bark out a laugh at the image her request conjures up.

She laughs too at whatever is said in return before hanging up and pulling her AirPods from her ears and discarding them on her dresser.
