Page 35 of Outrageously Yours

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She held her messenger bag close to her body and tried to ignore how much she enjoyed being next to Jason. It wasn’t necessary for him to guide her to the office, but she liked his protective gestures. It made her feel special. As if her needs were always on his mind.

When she stepped into his office, Jason closed the door and reached for her. He threaded his hands in her hair and kissed her. His mouth was rough, urgent and hot. As if he had been starving for her touch all day. She wanted him to feast on her. Claire leaned into him and clutched his shoulders. She moaned with pleasure and deepened the kiss just as he pulled back.

“We should stop,” he said against her mouth.

“You started it.” She knew he was right. And she shouldn’t read anything into his kisses. Or the fact that he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her. “I can’t stay long but I wanted to give you something.”

“You really meant it?” Jason drew away and dropped his hands from her hair. “I figured you just said that to get me alone.”

“I don’t have to make up a story to get you alone,” she said as she pulled the messenger bag off her shoulder.

“True,” he murmured. “All you have to do is give me a look.”

She blushed as she reached into her bag. She liked the idea that she had power over Jason. That he found her irresistible. Would she still have that power after this week? Could she jump-start the fling at any time by giving him a seductive look?

No, it was too late to make anything happen. If she got this job with Max, she’d be leaving for good. Claire wished she had explored this attraction earlier. But she hadn’t believed Jason would notice her. She hadn’t considered that he might see her as more than just a friend.

She grabbed the glossy and colorful flyer and thrust it into his hands. “Like I said, I was in Seattle and I was driving by the school and decided to pick up a brochure.”

* * *

“SCHOOL?” HE STARED at her blankly before he looked at the brochure in his hand. The old ache of disappointment bloomed out of nowhere. “The culinary school?”

“It’s not the only one in the area,” she said. “There’s actually a technical school nearby that offers something similar.”

His fingers pinched the paper, and it crinkled under his touch. “Why did you get this?”

Claire tilted her head, and it was obvious he wasn’t responding the way she’d thought he would. “Because you shouldn’t put off your dream,” she said.

“It was my dream,” he said hoarsely. “It’s not anymore.”

“Why not?”

He stared at the logo on the paper but he wasn’t going to open the brochure or read it. He wasn’t going down that path again. “Why all these questions? I grew up. I moved on. I found something better.”

She looked around the office. Framed awards dotted the walls and the sleek desk was clear of paper and files. Did she see his accomplishments or just the job he had fallen into? Was this path he had taken better? Or was it only easier?

Jason sighed but it didn’t relieve the ache in his chest. He raked his hand through his hair. “Look, I appreciate the help but—”

“What’s the harm in trying again?” she asked.

Jason closed his eyes as he held back the words to explain. He knew he should just thank her and tell her that he’d think about it. It would be the easiest and quickest way to distract her, but he found that he couldn’t. “You don’t understand, Claire.”

“Okay, so you didn’t get what you wanted the first time you tried. That doesn’t mean you stop. So the school rejected you.” She paused when he flinched and then continued in a gentler tone. “The school has changed in the past five years. So have you. Give it another try.”

He stared at the brochure. He was a different person than when he had first applied. He was more mature and had more life experience. But he wasn’t going to resurrect an old dream unless he was sure it would succeed.

“Jason, you are the most optimistic person I know. You think anything is possible. Why isn’t this?”

“Because there is harm in trying, Claire.” His voice sounded dull. Almost numb. It held the hurt at bay. “I tried to get into the school and I was immediately rejected.”

“Why didn’t you try another school?” she asked.

“This school rejected me so fast that there was obviously nothing about me that they thought had potential.” It still hurt to say it. “So I decided to go after my dream in another way and develop my skills. I tried to get an apprenticeship.”
