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Mom snapped the clipboard in half and dropped it on the road. “Done.” She stomped down the length of the RV and stormed up the stairs inside.

“She just broke my clipboard.” Meg picked up the two pieces and held them together. “My clipboard.”

“Meg?!?!” Mom screeched from inside the RV.

Uh oh.

Meg closed one eye and cringed. “She probably figured out where I put all of the chips.” Meg jogged to the stairs and jumped into the RV.

Dad moved next to me and clapped a hand on my shoulder. “You ever wanna be a fly on the wall when those two are together? Just to listen to all of the weird shit they get into?”

“The little that I’ve been able to see of them together is enough to last a lifetime.” Meg and Mom were forever getting into trouble. All my life, I had been front row to all their antics.

“You sure you’re gonna be okay while we are gone?” Dad asked.

I shrugged. “Don’t see why not. Make sure no one dies and the clubhouse doesn’t burn down. I got this.”

Dad shook his head. “I think you’re gonna see there is a whole lot more to keeping this club going than that. I’m almost kind of disappointed I won’t be able to see you figure shit out.”

“I’ve been around the club since I was born. I know what I’m doing.”

“That’s when things happen, son. When you think you’ve got it all figured out, life comes along and knocks you on your ass.” He smirked and ran his fingers through his mohawk. “Thank God you got your mom’s ass because you’re going to need the padding when it happens.”

The other club members boarded the RV except for Slider and Fayth who were going to drive the cage with the trailer of bikes behind them.

King was the last one to get on the RV. He turned when he was halfway up the steps and leaned out. “Try not to fuck shit up too bad, Hero.”

I tipped my head to him. “Asshole,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Heard that,” King called. He closed the doors of the RV and took the seat behind the wheel.

I stood with the rest of the guys who were staying, and we watched the land yacht and van slowly creep out of town and head toward the highway.

“I didn’t ever think they’d leave,” Easy grunted.

“Thank God they actually got all of the bikes on that trailer. Demon had to do some pretty creative maneuvering to fit them all.” Zig laughed.

Zag pulled out a cigarette and stuck it in the side of his mouth. “I thought they were gonna start stacking them.”

“Pretty sure we were all ready to help them figure out how to get them loaded to make sure they took off.” Frost pulled out a lighter and handed it to Zag. “I’m assuming you’re gonna need that.”

Zag grabbed the lighter. He was a smoker but he never managed to actually have a lighter on him.

“Well, boys,” I laughed. “Looks like it’s just us for the next few weeks.”

Pie hooted and pumped his fist in the air. “Fuck yeah!”

The guys ambled across the road.

I looked back at Reva’s place. I didn’t see her in the door like I had before. She really did have a lot of work to do, and I had been distracting.

The problem was I liked distracting her.

She had this strange confidence mixed with a bit of awkward that was fascinating to watch.

Beep beep.

Fuck. I stepped to the side of the road and waved to the car wanting to pass. First the RV had been blocking the road, and now, I was just standing in the middle of it.
