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It was official. I had absolutely no clothes that were suitable to wear to a strip club.

At least, I didn’t think I did.

Hero had told me to just wear what I normally did, but I didn’t think a vintage shirt and jeans were really going to cut it.

I grabbed my black skinny jeans off the floor and tossed them on the bed. Whatever I wore, I knew those were going to be on my legs. They made my ass look good, and they were high-waisted so they sucked in my pooch.

In exactly eleven minutes, Hero would knock on my door, and I was standing in front of my closet in my matching black lace bra and panties. I had sexy bras and underwear because I had an addiction to the silky, lacy, see-through garments. Plus, it gave me an extra boost of confidence to wear the sexy little things under my drab and boring clothes.

This would have been the moment I called my best friend to have her come over to help me find a killer outfit.

Problem was, I didn’t have a best friend.

Hell, I didn’t even have any friends. Let alone a best one.

Through high school, I had a small core group of friends, but I was always the outsider, just on the fringes. I just never really met anyone I gelled well with. I had acquaintances, but not one I could call an actual friend.

I grabbed a cropped, black sweatshirt that had see-through lace sleeves and pulled it over my head. Then I shimmied into the black jeans and stood in front of the tall mirror I had leaning against the wall. The hem of the sweatshirt didn’t cover my waist completely. I tugged at it and wished it were two inches longer, but then I guess it wouldn’t be cropped. My spur of the moment late night online purchase was going to have to be good enough for a night at the strip club with Hero.

Those were plans I never thought I would have.

I reached up to tuck my hair behind my ear and the hem of the shirt lifted to almost my bra. I slammed my arm down to my side and sighed. Walking around with my arms glued to my sides was going to be fun.

A knock sounded on the front door. I gave myself one last look in the mirror. I didn’t look amazing, but I also didn’t look like I was headed to work. It was an improvement over what I normally wore, but it wasn’t great.

I glanced in the peephole and unlocked the door when I saw it was Hero.

“Hello, Sunshine,” Hero drawled. He leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded over his chest. His usual sunglasses covered his eyes, and he was in his standard attire of ripped jeans, motorcycle boots, tight shirt, and leather vest. Obviously, Hero didn’t stress about what to wear tonight.

“Hola.” Just once. All I wanted was one time where I didn’t sound like an idiot.

Hero chuckled. “You ready?”

I looked down at my bare feet. “Uh, not quite. Wanna come in while I find shoes?” Ugh, shoes. I had no idea what I was going to wear. My outfit was slightly on the sexy side, but also a bit sporty since I was wearing a hoodie. I stepped to the side and tried not to freak out.

Hero stepped inside and laid his hand on my waist. “You good, Sunshine? You went a little pale when you mentioned shoes.”

It would be great if Hero would stop reading me so accurately. Might as well be honest. “I have no idea what shoes to wear.” I looked out the door at his bike. “And I just realized we’re probably going on your bike and I’ve never been on a bike before.”

Hero pulled me to his chest, closed the door, and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Breathe, Sunshine.”

My gaze connected with his, and I drew in a deep breath. “I guess you kind of take my breath away.”

Hero reached up and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “Pretty sure I was supposed to say that when you opened the door.” He pushed another kiss to my lips. He may not have told me I took his breath away, but his kiss made up for it tenfold.

I sighed into his touch and gripped the lapels of his vest.

“Let’s get you some shoes, Sunshine,” he whispered against my lips.

He grabbed my hand and motioned for me to go ahead of him.

“Oh, uh. I guess you don’t really know where to go,” I giggled nervously. I was about to lead Hero right into my bedroom in search of a pair of shoes.

“Your neighbor isn’t the friendliest,” Hero commented.

I glanced over my shoulder. “Harr
