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Chapter Twenty-Four



“Girl Scout cookies,” Rigid called.

King elbowed him in the stomach. “Shut the fuck up,” he growled.

Rigid rubbed his stomach and glared at King. “It was a fucking joke.”

Ransom turned and glared at Rigid and King.

It had taken dispatch five minutes to get Malcom West’s address, and ten minutes later, we were standing on his doorstep.

Malcom West lived in a ranch style home with white siding and dark blue shutters. His grass was recently cut, and his bushes and flower beds were immaculately kept.

“This guy got kids?” I asked.

“Not a fucking clue,” Ransom muttered. “I didn’t take the time I should’ve to research this guy because I didn’t want this lead to go cold.”

“But is it a lead?” Demon muttered. “I feel we should be spending our time looking for Zag right now.”

King nodded to Rigid. “Go around back and see what you can.”

“Hey,” Ransom grunted. “I’m the one in charge.”

Rigid stopped and splayed out his hands in front of him.

Ransom nodded. “Go around back and take a look around.”

Rigid smirked and shook his head.

“I’m coming with you,” Demon called.

King leaned against the porch railing and nodded to the door. “Might want to knock again.”

Ransom growled but knocked louder.

The sound of glass shattering echoed from the back of the house, and Rigid called out. “He’s coming around the right!”

I twisted around, planted my hand on the railing, and catapulted myself through the air over the railing. My feet touched the ground, and I took two giant steps. A flash of gray came around the side of the house, and I stuck out my arm. He smashed right into my arm and slammed to the ground.

“Nice,” Rigid called. “I was hoping you knew how to use that big ass body of yours.”

I pinned the guy to the ground and pressed his face into the grass. “You got some handcuffs?” I asked Ransom.

Ransom was right behind me and kneeled down next to the guy. He snapped the handcuffs on, and I rolled him over.

“Holy fuck,” Ransom gasped.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” King growled.

“Am I the only one who did not see this coming?” Rigid asked.

“Talk about a fucking plot twist.” Demon shook his head.

Lying on the ground beneath me was none other than Leonard Conner Luther.

His eyes looked around wildly, and a maniacal laugh broke from his lips. “You caught me!” he shouted.

I glanced at Ransom, and he motioned for me to let him up. I grabbed his arm and hauled him to his feet. “I can’t tell you how many times I had prayed for your dumbass to just fall into my lap, and look at us now, Leonard. All I had to do was reach out my arm, and you were there.”

Leonard kept laughing and looking around. “It doesn’t matter!” he called. “None of this matters!”

What in the fuck was this guy going on about? Killing six women and attempting to kidnap two others didn’t matter? He was going to have a rude awakening when his ass landed in his prison cell.

“He took him! He’s ours now! It’s done!” Leonard rocked back and forth and rubbed his hands together frantically.

This guy had about fifteen fucking screws loose.

Ransom pulled out his phone and put a call into dispatch for backup.

“He’s got him!” Leonard screamed. “You got me, but you don’t have him!

Ransom pulled out his gun and approached the front door.

“Careful,” I called.

This lunatic had come crashing out a window two minutes ago, and God knew if he had some type of booby traps or something rigged up for whoever came through the front door.

“We got him, we got him,” Leonard sang. “You’ll never catch him! You got me, but not him!”

“Crashed through the back glass door. You can probably get in there,” Demon called.

“You two can go in,” King replied. “We’ll keep an eye on our friend Leonard for you.”

I knew the second we left Leonard alone with King, Rigid, and Demon, they were going to kick the shit out of him.

Leonard was the one responsible for killing six girls connected to the Knights, and the Knights had not forgotten that.

“Keep an eye on him, and make sure he doesn’t die.” Ransom moved down off the porch and around the back of the house.

Demon took over my hold of Leonard and smiled wide. “Go help you friend, bounty.”

“Keep him alive,” I muttered.

“Alive. We got it,” King mumbled.

Leonard kept chanting about getting him, but his chants grew quiet when I got to the back of the house.

“You think he stopped yelling because he wants to, or because he can’t breathe?” Ransom asked.

“Probably the latter.”

I approached the broken screen door and stepped inside the house with my gun drawn. Ransom moved behind me, and we slowly walked through the house.

Nothing seemed out of place other than the broken screen door.

“What is going on?” I asked Ransom. Nothing was making sense.

We had Leonard Luther in custody after tackling him on Malcom West’s yard, but Malcom West wasn’t anywhere to be found.

“I do not fucking know.” Ransom moved to the kitchen table and stared.

“What is it?” I asked.

He reached for a coat on the back of the chair and turned it toward me.

“Holy fuck.”

There in his hands was a Devil’s Knights cut. He turned it to see the name patch, and my heart stopped.


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