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“Forgive me, Miss Skeffington but I feel I must share my opinion on the matter,” he announced, clearing his throat before he added, “If this was your friend’s plan then she has gone about it entirely the wrong way. I feel that these are slim pickings for you indeed.”

He made another show of glancing around the room and found that Miss Skeffington appeared amused by his words.

“As you claim you are not interested in anything but drinking and catching up with an old friend, I would ask that you do not insult the members who have chosen to attend for other reasons,” Miss Skeffington proclaimed, her voice slightly tense and Thomas found himself once more wondering whether he might have upset her.

Why should it worry me if she is upset?he asked himself suddenly realizing what an uncomfortable situation his friend had put him in. When he had received his invitation from Owen there had been no mention of this being about courtship. In fact, there had been no mention of Miss Skeffington at all.

“In that case, Miss Skeffington, I wish you the best of luck in your hunt,” Thomas announced, bowing in the hopes that he might be able to slink away quietly without the notice of the other members in the party.

“Thank you, my lord, it is just as well you are not interested in the main motives of the party,” she said with a curtsey of her own. “You appear to have lightened the playing field for me.”

“I am most happy to have been of assistance, miss,” Thomas assured her and was only slightly disappointed when she began to turn away.

“If you will excuse me, Lord Warrington, it appears that Nancy may have need of me,” she said, and following her gaze, he was just in time to see Nancy turning her gaze away once more. He had certainly felt the eyes of the lady watching them as they spoke. Now that he thought about it, he was certain he could feel the palpable pride of the Lady Kendall from all the way across the room.

No doubt she believes herself a mastermind in matchmaking,Thomas thought grimly, his stomach clenching and his teeth gritted as he watched Miss Skeffington walk away.If only I might be there when Miss Skeffington lets her know that her plan has failed.

He struggled not to scoff at the idea that any such plan could ever possibly work. Forcing his gaze away from Miss Skeffington and feeling quite angered at the fact he had been roped into such matters, Thomas glanced around the room wondering if perhaps any of the other men around him were aware of the Lady’s intentions. Moreso, he found himself wondering whether any one of them would be foolish enough to fall into the trap.

She is quite beautiful but is shethatbeautiful?he asked himself, trying to get the measure of every man in the room, wondering which might fall to the charms of Miss Skeffington.
