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"If you wish, my lady," Holly nodded politely though Alice knew that her mother had likely sent the maid to ensure that she was on her way. She was never allowed to rest for too long.

Being an unmarried woman of noble birth there was always some duty or task that she must perform even if it was merely to stand and look pretty in the company of guests, to uphold the look of a happy and united family. For the most part the Skeffingtons were exactly that, yet sometimes Alice could not help but wish she did not have to go through with it all.

Knowing it was required whether she liked it or not, Alice allowed Holly to help her undress, wash and change into something more appropriate than her travelling attire.

Choosing a silken dress of milky brown with a discreet floral pattern and white lace around the hems, Alice allowed Holly to brush and do her hair and help her on with her shoes before they began to make their way down to the drawing room where the maid said that both her best friend and her mother would be waiting.

Already Alice was almost certain she was about to be ganged up on. Her best friend and her mother had a nasty habit of doing that, even before Nancy had been married and they had found new common ground from which to judge Alice.

Walking silently through the glorious house, Alice prepared herself mentally for what awaited her on the other side of the drawing room door and when she finally stepped inside, she found Nancy and her mother already talking quite animatedly.

"Alice, there you are!" Her mother beamed at her the moment she entered, rising from her seat on a pastel pink and white striped couch that had been trimmed with gold, only to grab her daughter's elbow and insist she sit beside Nancy in her place.

"We were beginning to worry that you had gotten lost," Nancy added with a smile at Lady Skeffington even as she leaned forward to pick up a teacup and saucer from the table in front of her. She offered it to Alice before continuing, "Your mother and I have just been having the most intriguing conversation about this latest Season."

Already, Alice could feel her hackles rising, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as she prepared herself for what was to come. It was clear from the way that Nancy and Alice's mother glanced at each other out of the corner of their eye that they had already concocted one of their little schemes to try and entrap her into something, some conversation or perhaps even to try and make her admit to something or other.

Previously, Nancy had often cornered Alice whenever they were alone, even if bid by her mother to do so. Yet since her marriage, Nancy had been much more forthcomings with her investigations.

"I am quite sure that the two of you have all the information you need without dragging me into it," Alice remarked, lifting the teacup from the saucer to give herself a moments respite from their clawing gazes by taking a sip of the sweet herbal mixture.

She closed her eyes and forced a satisfied sound to try and change the subject before opening them again and commenting, "This is really quite something, Nancy. You must give me the recipe."

When she looked at her best friend, Nancy was scowling at her, an eyebrow raised in distaste.

"Do not pretend that you do not know what we wish to talk about, Alice," Nancy said, some of the friendliness gone from her tone. Alice's mother cleared her throat as if in a warning for Nancy not to push things too far too fast before Alice could see her adjusting her skirts out of the corner of her eye.

She sat looking haughty on the couch across the way, obviously pleased that Nancy was reacting just as she would wish her to at the news that Alice had desperately wished for her mother to keep to herself.

"It is nothing," Alice insisted, picking up her teaspoon to stir her drink, gazing down into the cup so that she would not have to look into the eyes of either of them. The room which was quite possibly one of the largest drawing rooms she had ever sat in suddenly felt all too small and her throat constricted as though the very air was being sucked from her surroundings. Still, she could not bring herself to look at them as she added, "It is no big deal. There is always next Season."

"You told me in your letters that you had a grand Season," Nancy sounded almost hurt now and Alice could not help but look at her friend.

"I did," Alice insisted, unable to bear the thought of removing her best friend from all the happiness she had found in her new marriage.

I do not wish for you to worry about me,she thought silently, knowing that if she said the words out loud then her friend would indeed begin to worry.

Nancy glanced at Lady Skeffington then and it was obvious to Alice that her mother had informed Nancy that the opposite was true. A knot tightened in Alice's stomach and not for the first time she found herself wishing that she could be less than lady-like and yell at them both to simply mind their own business.

"My Season if of little consequence," Alice insisted, reaching for her friend's hand. "There shall be others though you are married now and that is a once in a lifetime thing. You must tell me how it is going."

She squeezed Nancy's hand and smiled warmly, hopeful that she might entice her friend into changing the subject. Nancy had always gushed about her sweet Lord Kendall and that had not changed since their vows had taken place.

"Oh, I can assure you it is quite delightful," Nancy responded, nodding, and smiling like an abashed little girl who was overjoyed with the new toy she had received. "The Viscount treats me as though I am a princess. He gives me everything I could truly desire and more, and as you can see, that is quite a lot."

Nancy gestured at the room around them though Alice was certain she meant far more than that. Though it did not much matter to Alice truly. Her intentions had worked. She had managed to distract Nancy, at least for now.

"And where is the Viscount? Will he not be joining us for refreshments?" Alice asked quickly when she heard her mother clearing her throat.

"Oh, I am sure he will join us at some point," Nancy insisted, looking as though she might burst with excitement at the thought of seeing her husband. Envy clawed at Alice's stomach for only a moment. Seeing the happy gleam in her friend's eye was a good thing, and she would not allow her worries at her parents’ disappointment in her to cloud that.

"Lady Kendall," Alice's mother said firmly, clearing her throat in a way that could not be ignored. Nancy turned to look at her for a moment and Alice watched the realisation begin to form upon her sun-kissed face.

"Oh, Alice, you are a mischievous one!" Nancy snapped at her though her tone was not entirely unfriendly. She turned back to Alice with an even deeper scowl on her face, "You know I cannot resist talking of my dear husband, but you will not distract me from this matter."

Not thanks to you, Mother,Alice thought, daring a glare at her mother even as she wondered what exactly had been said between the two of them. Exactly how much information had they managed to share before they had sent Holly to find her?

"Viscountess Kendall is quite right, dear," her mother insisted, flitting her fan just as she had in the carriage even though the drawing room was much more sheltered and far cooler with the windows and patio doors swung open to allow the countryside air inside. "We must know why you are adamant to destroy any hope of a future you might have."
