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“Miss Skeffington, I do not believe you will be able to see too much during the day,” Thomas commented, watching her lean forward to look through the eyepiece of the telescope that was positioned right at the very center of the observatory.

She did not even bother to look at him, responding mischievously, “Not with that attitude you will not.”

Had anyone else spoken to him that way, Thomas might have been offended. Coming from her, it was endearing, and he had to bite the inside of his lip to stop from laughing.

You are a regular firecracker,Thomas thought silently, stepping up beside Miss Skeffington to watch her more closely while she could not see him with one eye looking down the eyepiece with the other firmly closed. Slightly bent over as she was, Thomas could not stop from admiring the curve of her spine right down to her rear.

Allowing himself a closer look at her for the first time, Thomas realised that she was not only pretty in the face but was also petite and womanly in her figure. Everything from her head to the tip of her toes appeared to be perfection though Thomas was certain if he asked her about it, she would likely come up with something she disliked about herself.

When Miss Skeffington rose upright, Thomas quickly averted his gaze, though it appeared not quickly enough.

"Pardon, my lord, but were you just admiring me?" Miss Skeffington asked. Her tone was filled with humour. Out of the corner of his eye, Thomas saw her hazel gaze glint with teasing.

"Forgive me, Miss Skeffington," Thomas said firmly, his gaze still carefully averted, "I was taken off guard by how radiant you are in such ample lighting."

It was odd to offer such a compliment and truly mean it. The light pouring through the vaulted ceiling of the observatory caused Miss Skeffington to appear almost angelic. It was only the devilish way that she smirked at him which prevented it entirely.

"Is that so, my lord?" Miss Skeffington responded and when she inched toward him, Thomas could not stop from turning his attention back to her. He faced her, instantly wishing that he had not because he found now that she was far too close for comfort.

Although it would take at least two steps more to be within touching distance, Thomas leaned in closer. "I had come to believe that you were not interested in the reason for this week's festivities."

The teasing and almost enticing tone of Miss Skeffington's voice made Thomas' entire body tingle with desire. The way she held his gaze, challenging him, made him take a step forward.

"I am not," Thomas said in a low voice, taking a single step. Their interlocked gazes never faltered.

"Then how do I come to find myself here, alone with you, Lord Warrington?" Miss Skeffington asked. Her tone was both a challenge and a warning. Thomas knew very well that he ought to have politely said his farewells then and there to avoid any misdemeanours, but she had entirely intoxicated him, entranced him. He could not have left even if he had wanted to.

"Ishould notbe interested…" Thomas grumbled to himself though Miss Skeffington's expression suggested that she had heard him. Her only response was a sharp intake of breath when he quickly closed the space between them and, still locked in her heavenly hazel gaze, he lifted his hands to cup her face.

"You are breathtaking, Miss Skeffington," he announced, running the pad of his thumb along her cheekbone, unable to stop from gazing down at her rosebud lips. Miss Skeffington inhaled sharply again and the sound jolted Thomas from the spell she had placed upon him. He began to ease off only to find himself drawn right back in as Miss Skeffington suddenly popped up onto her tiptoes, locking her lips with his.

This cannot be…The thought was quickly extinguished by Thomas' need. He wrapped his arms around Miss Skeffington's waist and pulled her flush to him. The bones in her stay, hidden just beneath her gown, pressed into his torso but he did not care. All he truly noticed was the warmth spreading from her body into his.

Thomas felt as though he was warm for the first time in his life, a man who had been shivering for so long that now it bordered upon pain to be so close to the fireplace. The softness of her lips urged him on further, and when they parted to allow his tongue to dip inside her mouth. Tasting her for the first time, Thomas' head spun.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, Miss Skeffington suddenly pulled away. She stepped out of his arms, her gaze averted, cheeks flaring as red as the climbing roses that were dotted around the observatory.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me, my lord!" she exclaimed. "I…I never should have…"

Shaking her head, Miss Skeffington flew from the observatory, a whirlwind of floral peach silk and golden blonde hair. She left Thomas feeling utterly twisted up inside. Head spinning, body trembling, all he could do was stand and watch her go.
