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Chapter 17

By midafternoon, Alice was glad to finally find herself alone. Having spent most of the morning in the gardens talking with Mr Gouldsmith about nature and pond-life, and even finding a little time to converse with Mr Tulk beside the fountain in the west garden, Alice was all out of small talk.

She had found little enjoyment since her conflict with Lord Warrington the night before and it still plagued her mind. When she closed her eyes, she could see the way his eyes had darkened, and his lips had set into a grim line.

Now, alone thanks to most of the guests having retired for a rest before dinner, Alice wandered the halls of the manor. She was looking for one face in particular, though she thought he was likely resting as everyone else was.

She had all but given up any hope of finding him when she heard something thudding in Owen's study. Finding the door ajar, she glimpsed inside the room just in time to watch Lord Warrington pick up the book he had dropped.

Unable to help herself, Alice rapped her knuckles on the door and stepped inside without awaiting his response. "You know, you really ought to be more careful. Books have feelings," she stated.

Lord Warrington looked up, clearly surprised by her presence. His lips parted as if to speak but then he closed them again and bowed. When he straightened up, he was looking at Alice with a raised eyebrow. It was a moment before he asked, "What are you doing here?"

There was a warning edge to his tone. Clearly, he did not believe that she ought to be there. Alice held her head high, responding clearly, "I was looking for you."

Lord Warrington visibility tensed. "Why?"

Alice took a step forward though she kept Owen's study desk between them.

"I…umm…" Alice stammered. She was suddenly unsure of herself, of her reasons for wishing to find him. At least, she was unsure as to whether she ought to speak them aloud.

"I have missed you," she admitted finally. Lord Warrington’s gaze softened, his jaw going slack with shock.

"I am quite sure you have been well entertained by Mr Gouldsmith and the other gentlemen of the party," he announced, his expression growing hard once more. Alice cringed at his tone, certain it was jealousy sharpening its edge. She took a step forward, shaking her head.

"None have entertained me as you have so far this week," she admitted. Shock crossed Lord Warrington's expression again, but he quickly appeared to shake it off, obviously unwilling to let her know how he was feeling.

"You appeared quite entertained down by the pond this morning," he announced, voice gravelly. Alice recoiled. She had thought that she had felt eyes upon her down by the pond though she had not dared to mention it to her companion at the time. Now she was certain of it. Part of her knew she ought to have been angry with him for eavesdropping and spying but Alice felt only a thrill at the thought of his watching her.

"You really should not have been spying, Lord Warrington. It is most unbecoming of you." She was determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing how he truly affected her, at least not yet, not until she knew how he felt.

"Were you…displeased?" Alice asked, closing the distance between them. She skirted around the desk now so that they stood face to face. There was nowhere else to go. The desk chair sat in the space behind him, between the table and the fireplace.

Though the darkness in his green gaze suggested he had no intentions of trying to evade her. There was something else though, a hint of anger that suggested he might turn quickly if she vexed him somehow. Alice was tempted, if only to see such raw emotion from a man who appeared so guarded.

Lord Warrington's entire body tensed. Alice could feel the stiffness even without touching him. It was all about him, almost pushing against her, urging her away. Yet she remained right where she stood, determined not to move a muscle.

"I am tired of these games, my lord," she announced firmly, meeting his gaze. She clenched her jaw and took a moment to steel herself before adding, "I wish for us to be friends again."

Shock flashed through Lord Warrington's gaze. Then his eyes darkened, and he scowled at her, growling deep in his throat, "We have never been friends."

The aggression in his tone which had likely been intended to push her away did quite the opposite. Alice liked this side of him, the harsh, dominant side that was not afraid to speak the truth. It created an animal magnetism between them that she had never felt before. It was a sensation that she could not even attempt to ignore.

"Then I wish to be whatever we were before last night," she stated, daring him with her eyes to turn her down. She could feel in her gut that no matter what he said, neither of them could deny the desire pulsing between them. One way or another, she knew these feelings were going to win.

It's time to stop fighting them,she decided. Just as she was about to say the words aloud, gazing at Lord Warrington in the hopes that he might see her feelings written plainly on her face, the earl charged forward and grabbed hold of her face in his hands.

Utterly shocked, she had only a moment to suck in breath before his lips were on hers. Head spinning, Alice gripped the front of his jacket fighting for purchase. The earl's hands travelled down from her cheeks, brushing fingers along her collarbone in such a soft gesture that every inch of her skin tingled.

Then they travelled lower, brushing her breasts before going lower still to grip her hips and pull her flush against him. A hungry growl erupted from the earl's lips and Alice moaned in pleasure, feeling his fingers gather up the skirts of her gown.

What is happening?the small voice in the back of her mind was quickly quieted by Lord Warrington's fingertips brushing the soft, bare skin of her hips. Her knees threatened to buckle, and she leaned in closer to him. His hands were suddenly the only thing holding her up.

His kiss grew more and more passionate. Alice opened her lips to him, tasting his tongue. Head spinning, there was nothing she could do but kiss him back. Then, just as quickly as it had begun, Lord Warrington pulled away. Alice had to reach for the edge of the desk to hold herself up, panting for breath.

"Miss Skeffington, I must admit that I may well be attracted to you," he announced, stepping back with a grim expression. Alice could not help but laugh at that.

"Do you think so, my lord?" she asked, unable to hide the mocking from her tone. The Earl's gaze turned hard, and he glared at her, clearly unamused by her jesting him. Quickly, she added, "I believe I may be attracted to you too, my lord."
